Optimizing Your Presence on Real Estate Portals

If you’ve ever tried to build a website or blog for your business, you know that competing with the major real estate portals for first-page ranking in online search engines is a daunting task. With so much content and millions of pageviews, portals like Realtor.com and Zillow enjoy a formidable online presence. The good news… Read more »


Graphic Design for Real Estate Agents: Free Resources, Tips, Tools

There are excellent reasons for adding graphic elements to your blogs, social media posts, real estate flyers, and website that go beyond making them look more attractive and catching people’s attention. Graphic elements, whether they’re photos, diagrams, charts, tables, videos, illustrations, or something else that relies on our visual senses to appreciate, are all capable… Read more »

ADA Compliance for Real Estate Websites

Are design flaws on your website blocking entire segments of qualified buyers from easily accessing listings? Guest blogger David Gevorkian reviews the benefits of ensuring your website conforms to ADA specifications and offers suggestions for how to bring yours into compliance. As a real estate professional, you work tirelessly to market properties and connect buyers… Read more »


How Real Estate Agents Can Use Psychology to Get More Client Referrals

Part 1 in our series: How Real Estate Agents Can Optimize Their Referral Marketing Strategies You don’t need to be told how valuable client referrals are to your real estate business. Even so, it’s worth trying to quantify the value they can add to your business and the commissions they can add to your pocket…. Read more »

Ep. 247: Step-by-Step Process for Converting Facebook Leads (with Gus Munoz Castro)

 3 Tips for Producing a Higher Conversion Rate from Facebook and Other Online Ads Who should listen: This episode is for real estate agents who want more success in converting Facebook ads to appointments. Key idea: Better-quality leads coupled with a systematic follow-up strategy, including calls that encourage leads to like and trust you,… Read more »

Ep. 211 Jeff Lerner: Giving away millionaire secrets

 How to Use Retargeting Ads as a Part of Your Digital Marketing Strategy Jeff Lerner is the epitome of the entrepreneur who simply won’t quit. During his interview with Luke and Josh, he explains that he: Dropped out of high school to become a jazz musician … Got fired from his first job after… Read more »

Content Marketing Strategies for Renters and Younger Buyers

Millennial and Gen-Z buyers make up the vast majority of current and potential buyers in markets throughout the country. These generational cohorts may wait longer to buy their first home than previous generations did, but, for most, it is an important part of their overall financial and lifestyle plan. As a real estate professional, positioning… Read more »

Ep. 46: Become One with Your Community: Local Expert Tips

Have you ever come across a local professional who lacks local knowledge? Not only is it frustrating, it can deter you from using their services. In this episode of Stay Paid, Josh and Luke discuss why it’s so important for service-based sales professionals to establish themselves as a local expert and how to go about… Read more »

Ep. 36: How to Build Your Email Marketing List

Many assume that email is dead, but we’re here to prove otherwise! Think about this: your email list—if built properly—may be the one marketing source that is truly yours to own. And even with all of the new ways we have to generate leads in sales today, email is still the king of marketing ROI… Read more »

Don’t Head Back to School without Issue 71 of American Lifestyle Magazine

Issue 71 of American Lifestyle magazine hits homes just as families are winding down their summer breaks and preparing to send kids back to school. The mentality associated with transitioning from summer to fall always comes with the sense of getting back to the grind, a slower pace, and a more steadier schedule. You’ll feel… Read more »


Millennials Remain an Attractive Market for Real Estate Agents

While not as well-off as their parents’ generation, millennials have emerged as the driving force in the U.S. housing market Millennials, or Gen Y, are generally defined as those born between 1981 and 1996. In 2021, their ages range from 25-40 years old. At last count, there are 72.1 million Americans in this category, and… Read more »