4 Tips for How to Stay Consistent on Social Media

Updated November 7, 2023 Adopt these four strategies used by successful social media marketers to consistently engage followers and meet your business goals I’m sure you’ve read a thousand times about the benefits of using social media. I think we all have. But very few tell you how to actually do it so here are… Read more »

4 Reasons Why Your Clients Aren’t Providing Referrals

It wasn’t supposed to be like this. You’ve built a base of satisfied clients. You provided great service. And you’re waiting for the referrals to come rolling in . . . and waiting . . . and waiting. What went wrong? Likely, one or more of these four situations is to blame: 1. They aren’t… Read more »

The Ten Commandments of Relationship Marketing

Here in King of Prussia, we’re anxiously awaiting Pope Francis’s arrival in Philadelphia. All of the media coverage has got us hyped and as a result, we’ve been thinking about a few commandments of our own. So, in honor of Pope Francis’s visit to America, we’d like to share our list of relationship marketing commandments…. Read more »

Say Happy Holidays With Issue 73

It feels a little odd to be writing about the winter holidays when I’m wearing a short-sleeve shirt. But the reality is that the holiday season will be here before you know it, and it’s a good idea to start preparing now. We are no different. That’s why we’ve been busy working on the Holiday… Read more »

5 Apps for Increased Productivity

“Lost time is never found again.” A lot has changed since Benjamin Franklin shared that thought, yet it remains as true today as it did then. There always seems to be more to do than there is time to get it all done. This can be especially challenging when you’re on the go. We have… Read more »

4 Surefire Ways to Reach Millennials in Real Estate

Millennials have quickly become the largest generational group in the country, surpassing the baby boomers. What does this mean for REALTORS®? That there is an abundance of first-time home buyers that are perusing the market for an agent. To capitalize on this unmatched opportunity, REALTORS® must cater their marketing tactics to align with the needs… Read more »

Top Traits that Make You More Desirable to a Client

Selecting a REALTOR® is a thought-provoking and sizeable decision for clients. Whether they’re a first-time homebuyer or they’ve outgrown their current house, one can safely assume that copious research (via internet or word of mouth) will go into their selection process. So, how do you ensure that you best suit a client’s stringent requirements? Ensure… Read more »


The New and Improved ALM.com

We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: every great business needs a solid web presence to back it up. It doesn’t matter if you are a toy manufacturer from Kentucky or a sales and marketing company from California—a great website can help you stand apart from the competition and instill trust in your… Read more »


Can Technology Ever Replace the Real Estate Agent?

It seems like every day, new technology is weaving its way into all facets of industry. If you follow technology blogs or industry news, then the idea of technology eventually replacing face-to-face interactions altogether probably doesn’t sound that far-fetched to you. But, can the same be said for the real estate industry, which is still… Read more »

A professional follows up with a client on Facebook

The 6 Best Follow-Up Strategies (That You Probably Haven’t Tried Yet)

The key to long-term success in any business is relationships. When your customers know, like, and trust you, they’re going to see you as the go-to professional in your field. And that means they’re going to reward you with repeat business, as well as plenty of valuable referrals. Looking for some new, unconventional ways to… Read more »

Building Your List with Instagram

Using marketing through a website and email list alone will only get you so far. In order to tap in to a whole new audience, leverage an Instagram page. An Instagram page helps keep your already loyal audience engaged on another platform and also opens up the possibility for you to branch out to an… Read more »

The Listing Appointment and Open House Tips and Tricks You Need

Whether you are prepping for either an upcoming listing appointment or an open house on the horizon (or both), it’s easy to get overwhelmed. Keep these tips in mind for when you need a boost of confidence as you prepare for either of these events on your calendar. Listing appointment tips Have a process set… Read more »