The 4 Pillars of a Great Leader

What makes a great leader? As someone who strives every day to be the best leader possible, I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about this. And I’ve come to the conclusion there are four things that make a leader truly great. 1. A great leader sets the vision. As Stephen Covey says in The… Read more »

How to Survive the Attack of the Robo-Advisors

Automation has been a popular topic as of late, with the concern that many jobs currently occupied by actual humans will become obsolete as technology advances. Those who work in the financial services industry certainly aren’t immune to the threat of automation. In fact, there are already a number of popular apps and websites meant… Read more »

Get to Know Your Clients with the FORD Method

Solid client relationships are the key to your long-term success. If you need proof, consider that acquiring a new client costs far more than retaining an existing client—anywhere between 5% and 20% more. Just four years ago, in 2020, CallMiner reported that customer churn cost US businesses $168 billion per year—an amount that has only… Read more »

4 List Building Tips for New Financial Advisors

If you’re a financial advisor, your long-term success depends on your ability to attract and retain clients. First of all, you need to be able to make the investment decisions that will benefit your clients both now and in the long run. But you also need to be able to build and maintain relationships—a skill… Read more »

How to Build Rapport and Create Relationships

When it comes to setting yourself up for long-term success, the key is building relationships that result in more repeat business and referrals. But how do you create those kinds of relationships in the first place? In order to connect with a customer in a lasting way, you need to start by establishing rapport. What… Read more »

How to Be Patient and Close More Deals

Whether this is your first contact with your prospect or your fifteenth, it can be difficult when you realize the other party isn’t quite as eager to buy as you are to sell. This doesn’t mean you should simply accept that the sale won’t happen—at ReminderMedia, we’re big proponents of the One-Call-Close Mentality. On the… Read more »

How to List a Difficult Property

In the real estate business, there are some homes that, as the saying goes, practically sell themselves. These are the homes that have been well maintained, are in a desirable neighborhood, and are generally what people refer to as their dream homes. Then there are those that are, well… not dream homes. These are the problem… Read more »

The Benefits of Gift Giving

It’s often said that when you give a little, you get a little, and that’s certainly true in the world of sales. If you’re like many other salespeople this holiday season, you’ve probably been mulling over gift ideas for your favorite clients. But what’s the secret to turning this seasonal gesture into more business for… Read more »

Ep 57: Monetizing the Reciprocity Effect

We all know it’s better to give than to receive, but in business, sometimes you have to give in order to see a return. The term “reciprocity effect” refers to the idea that by extending a gift or favor to clients, they are more likely to return the favor and do something for you, as… Read more »

Ep. 50: Grow Your Business with Customer Testimonials

When you’re actively searching for a product or service, how much attention do you pay to customer testimonials? More than likely, these reviews help to weigh heavily on your decision. This means that as a service-based sales professional, garnering testimonials is an absolute necessity if you want to close more deals. In today’s episode of… Read more »


Personal Marketing with Your Letter

From your messages on social media to your phone calls, every interaction with a client is an opportunity to make a lasting impression. You may have heard that it’s important to allow clients a look into your personal life. The 80-20 rule, as it’s often called, encourages a balance of personal content and business-or-industry-related content… Read more »