Ep. 178: Entrepreneurs: Focus on the Vision and You’ll Win the Client

 Being an Entrepreneur is About Selling Your Vision Being an entrepreneur, almost by definition, means having a high tolerance for risk. Entrepreneurs forgo traditional careers in which people work for someone else and the relative security that comes with a predictable paycheck. Entrepreneurs also seem to have a unique type of courage. Despite what… Read more »

Ep. 177: Top Producer Builds Her Network Through Philanthropy

 How to Get Clients and Build Your Network Through Philanthropy If you’re an entrepreneur, then one of your constant concerns is how to get clients. At ReminderMedia, we believe the best way to get clients is to build and nurture relationships with them outside the business arena. And a great way to do that… Read more »

Ep. 176: How to Get More Leads with Lead Magnets

 How to Build an Email List and Attract New Customers Using Lead Magnets One of the best ways to build an email list and attract new customers is to offer a lead magnet. A lead magnet is something of value that you offer to your target audience in exchange for their email address and/or… Read more »

More Ways New Real Estate Agents Can Get Leads for Free

This is Part 2 in a series about lead generation for new real estate agents. You can get leads for free from more places and in more ways than you might have thought possible. This time, we go digital with Facebook. Like any new real estate agent, I remember what it was like to be… Read more »

Ep. 187: From Welfare to $200K in One Year with Cody Butler

 How to Succeed in Sales It’s surprisingly simple … follow up on leads Cody Butler, this week’s Stay Paid guest, calls it a “massive mistake,” but that doesn’t stop agents and other entrepreneurs from doing it … they fail to follow up on leads. Rarely will someone make a significant commitment or purchase the… Read more »

Ep. 168: How to Use the Predictive Index to Build a Team

   The Predictive Index Test Also known as the PI index or PI behavioral assessment, the Predictive Index test can help you select employees who will give you the range of behaviors at work that will create strong relationships, teams, and businesses. In the movie, The Princess Bride, there is a scene in which… Read more »

Ep. 167: How to Create a Succession Plan for Your Practice with Jeff Evanello and Kris Kjolberg

 Exit Planning for Business Owners Kris Kjolberg and Jeff Evanello, experts in the acquisition and sale of advisory practices and firms, explain why every business needs an exit strategy. Everything in this life has a beginning and an ending, but when business owners first start building their companies, they don’t often plan for their… Read more »

Smiling, bearded man with arms crossed

Ep. 165: Peter Taunton – Founder of Snap Fitness on How to Scale and Lead a Business

 This is the story of how work ethic, dreaming big, and working with the right people paid off in an ENORMOUSLY PROFITABLE WAY. Peter Taunton was educated in a two-room schoolhouse; toured as a racquetball pro; founded Snap Fitness, the world’s largest fitness franchise; and now owns a resort in … wait for it… Read more »

Title: Stop the Bed Head!

Ep. 164: 7 Tips for Managing Virtual Teams

 Managing Virtual Teams Ideas for managing remote employees and tips for remote workers Practically overnight, managers and their people had to scramble to find ways to help business go on as usual under very unusual circumstances. Since the pandemic grasped the country by the neck last March, business managers have had to pivot and… Read more »

Ep. 166: Tips for Networking During Virtual Events

 With shaking hands no longer an option, knowing how to meet people online is your next best bet. Virtual events and conferences have exploded in popularity since the COVID-19 pandemic took hold, and there is no indication that the trend will reverse.[i] There are, after all, a large number of benefits to meeting virtually,… Read more »

Smiling man speaking on cell phone

Ep. 161: Juan Barreneche: A Top Agent Talks Instagram and Selling $50M in Real Estate

 Juan Barreneche is a master when it comes to using Instagram to build relationships. In this episode, Juan shares the strategy he uses to ensure that when an out-of-state broker is looking to make a referral in his state of New York, he’s the one they think of. Juan tells Luke and Josh about… Read more »

2021 goals

Your End-of-the-Year Agent Checklist

You may be looking forward to the end of the year as a time to catch your breath between the unpredictable 2020 market and the sure-to-be-active Spring 2021 market. However, it’s important to use the precious downtime around the holidays to take care of your business and plan for the future. Below you’ll find an… Read more »