“Best of” Video Ideas for Real Estate Agents

Use these video ideas for real estate agents to attract leads and prove your status as the local expert in your market. If you want to increase your brand awareness, foster greater engagement, and build trust in your role as the go-to local expert, one of the easiest, most cost-effective, and fun video ideas for… Read more »

5 Best Real Estate Marketing Companies for 2025

No paid endorsements, commissions, or affiliates—just an honest breakdown of the five best real estate marketing companies and a smidge of justified bias. As an agent, your expertise lies in helping clients navigate the complexities of a real estate transaction, and your time is best spent serving their needs. So while you might think it… Read more »

How Agents Can Build Authentic Customer Relationships on Social Media

Get genuine advice for creating mutually beneficial, trusting bonds with homebuyers and sellers to increase client retention and their lifetime value. I’m super happy you found this blog, but before beginning, let’s revisit its title. This is not another piece about how agents can “build connections” or “grow a following.” Nor is it simply about… Read more »

The 5 Best of the Best Real Estate Podcasts of 2021 (updated)

Updated August 4, 2021 It’s the Only List You Need If you’re overwhelmed by the number of real estate podcasts available, are unsure about which ones are truly worth your time and attention, or you’ve been led astray by false prophets, you can breath easy . . . I’ve got you covered. But let’s be… Read more »

3 Proven Real Estate Marketing Ideas for Busy Agents

Updated June 2023 Every real estate agent is faced with the same problem: there are only 24 hours in a day. So, if you want to get the most return for those hours and surpass your competition, you need to focus your real estate marketing plan on ideas that will deliver the most value in… Read more »


Ep. 319: Best of the Best Sales and Marketing Tips from 2021

 The Best Sales and Marketing Tips We Heard in 2021 Who should listen: Entrepreneurs and small-business owners who want to know the best sales and marketing tips from people who have succeeded in their businesses. Key idea: Success requires that you commit to consistent action. Action item: Listen to each of these 8 episodes,… Read more »

How To Convert Real Estate Internet Leads (Superstar Agents’ Top Tips)

By now, every agent likely knows that their best real estate leads come from referrals. This only makes sense given that referrals are the most trusted source of information for consumers looking to purchase a product or service. But while there are agents who have created referral-only businesses, not everyone has a sphere large enough… Read more »


The Best Marketing Strategies for Your Small Business

Of all the types of marketing strategies out there, the one I’m about to discuss with you is easy to understand, simple to implement, and, above all, exceptionally effective. And whether you’re a real estate agent, independent financial advisor, insurance broker, roofer, landscaper, interior designer, or any other type of small business owner, you can… Read more »

Here’s What Agents Should Post on Facebook and Social Media

What should real estate agents post on social media? What’s the best content for real estate agents? What should real estate agents posts on Facebook? How do I get people to interact with my social media? What are some real estate content ideas? What social media should real estate agents use? These are questions we… Read more »


The Top 9 Best Marketing Ideas for Financial Advisors

Marketing for financial advisors is much like marketing for providers of other professional services. You need to ensure you direct your marketing toward a well-defined audience. Your marketing should tell a compelling story. It must offer your audience something of value. And best practices require it include a call to action. But unlike marketing for… Read more »

5 of the Best Holiday Gifts for High-Net-Worth Clients

The biggest challenge luxury real estate agents face when buying holiday gifts for high-net-worth clients is choosing something that strikes the right balance between personal and splendid while not being too generic. These individuals often have access to premium products and experiences, so selecting a gift that aligns with their tastes can be difficult. There… Read more »