Read This If You’re a New Real Estate Agent


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At ReminderMedia, we’ve produced a library of content to help real estate agents become their best selves. Whether that means making more money, breaking into new marketing, or building a team, we create free content and coaching to help our clients succeed.

But everybody has to start somewhere. According to the NAR, 87% of new real estate agents fail within the first five years. Scary, huh? In an industry that requires agents to be their own boss, it’s no surprise that many might not know where to turn next. So, we’ve developed a plan of action for all of the amazing newcomers (yes, you) who are just getting into the game.

The content is chronologically organized for rookie agents to not only survive their first year, but to thrive—and become one of the best agents in their market. There will be plenty of people ready to tell you it isn’t possible to scale so fast, but time and time again we have seen new motivated agents succeed at a rapid clip in comparison to their more seasoned colleagues.

Below is a month-by-month outline of what a new agent should be tackling and where they should be focusing their efforts.

Month One  

Month Two

Month Three

  • Develop a plan of outreach
  • Build a website
  • Create a press kit

Month Four

Month Five

Month Six and Seven

  • Determine your demographic

Month Eight

Month Nine and Ten

Month Eleven

Month Twelve

Download our rookie timeline printable to share with your coworkers.

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Written by admin