Handle Objections Like a Boss

In this episode of Above The Noise, Luke Acree talks about how to overcome objections as they arise by outlining three general tactics that you can apply to any pitch, any prospect. Video Transcription Guys today we’re talking about cold calling and I want to talk a little bit more about this topic of handling… Read more »

The Stages of a Sales Funnel No One Talks About

I like to summarize the stages of a relationship between a salesperson and a prospect with a simple acronym, CARR. These are the four stages that occur as you advance a potential client through your funnel. There are negative parts in this process, but when you start to get comfortable with them, you can fortify… Read more »

4 Ways That Will Help You Manage Your Stress

Life can be totally unpredictable. We often deal with a constant state of sensory overload. Modern conveniences like social media and email have made it easier to stay in touch, but it also means we’re permanently available. It can be a struggle to step away from the long list of tasks and projects that have… Read more »

3 Ways to Tactfully Deliver Bad News to Clients

As a REALTOR®, the majority of your time will be spent managing your various relationships with clients. Unfortunately, just like any other relationship in your life, there will come a time when you become the bearer of bad news. Whether it’s losing out on a dream home or that the inspection headed south, bad news… Read more »

How to Achieve Your Goals

Coming up with the idea of a goal is always the easy part. Giving form and life to a goal is a totally different thing. You probably already know that the best goals are SMART goals: specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and timely. But the tricky thing about goals—whether they’re SMART or not—is that they typically… Read more »

The One Thing Thought Leaders Won’t Acknowledge

In the last few years, there has been a sharp rise in the amount of thought leadership throughout the business world. Thought leaders make for great sources because they have experience directly related to what they talk about. When we turn to them for inspiration or instruction, we can benefit from the mistakes they have already… Read more »


Top 3 Timeless Real Estate Marketing Strategies

Marketing trends may come and go, but there are some timeless strategies you can apply that will always help you win more listings and close more business. 1. Get more personal with clients and prospects The real estate industry seems to be all about innovation. Just about every day someone is talking about the latest… Read more »

How to Develop a Sales Pitch that is Worthy of “Shark Tank”

Contestants on the show “Shark Tank” face enormous pressure. They have one shot to convince the sharks to invest in their business. That pitch is the difference between gaining tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars or walking away empty-handed. Not only does it make for riveting television, but it also provides a barometer… Read more »

Celebrate Childhood with ALM67

Connecting with your recipients has never felt so nostalgic. With Issue 67 of American Lifestyle magazine, you’ll inspire their inner child by sharing your support for the creative arts and Pediatric Cancer Research at The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. Skip the Mantel The Children’s Edition hits homes right in the heart of the season for giving, and… Read more »

New Additions to Our Tear Out Card Library

We’ve got exciting news for senders of American Lifestyle magazine. ReminderMedia has partnered with three great organizations to make new additions to our For a Cause Tear Out Card category. Platinum subscribers can now show their support for the ASPCA, HopeFULL, and The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia by customizing their Tear Out Cards in their… Read more »


Ep. 451: Effortless Content Creation with ChatGPT | Better Content, Less Time

 ChatGPT’s Accessibility Puts Effortless Writing within Reach ChatGPT is a godsend to those who need to create content but either don’t have the time, question their writing skills, or struggle with finding ideas—and it’s easy to use. Hold onto your hats, folks, because we’re about to introduce you to the next big thing in… Read more »


Learn How to Respond to Your Mistakes

We can’t get it right every time. We are bound to mess up something at work, whether its forgetting a meeting, an email, an important phone call—we are only human. What’s important is how we respond to our mistakes. Every bad experience can always have a positive outcome if we allow ourselves to learn from… Read more »