The Content Real Estate Agents Need to Be Writing

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For years now, real estate agents have been told that they need to be blogging . That is usually the extent of the advice, and, while it’s a great tip, it doesn’t provide much of a starting point.

Agents are busy. Between prospecting, showing, closing and all the steps along the way, it’s easy to understand why something like blogging ends up on the back burner.  When it doesn’t yield the kind of immediate, tangible results that something like lead generation does, it’s easy to give up. Most of the time agents start, make a valiant effort, and quit after a few posts.

The trick is consistency, so set a goal of one 500-word blog a month. From there, focus on the subject you know better than anyone: your community. This allows you to establish yourself as an influencer and an expert. It’s fine to throw in some real estate-intensive posts here and there, but try instead to focus on events and organizations that give your neck of the woods character.

When folks go to google those events, they’ll see your posts and from there your top-of-mind awareness will grow. From there, you will become industry synonymous, and at that point you will have dominated your area.

Then you can hire an assistant or freelancer and have more time to blog.

Free E-book: A Beginner’s Guide to Small Business Blogging

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