7 FREE Lead Magnets for Agents

Gabrielle C. King

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Updated January 2023

The Best Converting, Done-for-You Real Estate Lead Magnets

When you’re a real estate agent looking to build up your client list, word of mouth isn’t enough. And while advertising on the web and social media can prove fruitful, isolated clicks and likes by themselves can’t get you to the next level. Ultimately, you need to get contact information from those leads so you can put them on your list and begin nurturing relationships.

One way to do that is by offering top-of-funnel lead magnets—attractive resources that will make people more than willing to provide you with their email address. However, the issue with top-of-funnel magnets is that the leads they produce may be years away from needing your services.

That’s why we’ve developed seven high-quality free lead magnets to help you attract warmer, middle-of-funnel leads—people actively investigating the homebuying and selling process. These real estate lead magnets provide value to potential clients while helping you promote yourself as knowledgeable and trustworthy. You can customize each one to include your name and contact information, and all include a free image you can use in a digital ad or link to a landing page (more on that in a minute).

1. Should You Rent or Buy?


What are the real costs and benefits of homeownership versus renting? What are the most useful questions to consider when deciding which to choose? This easy-to-follow, practical guide provides food for thought to those weighing their options.

2. The 5 Biggest Mistakes to Avoid When Selling Your Home


FSBOs, or for sale by owners, can be a lucrative market for real estate agents who know how to get their foot in the door, but it’s not easy when a seller has already decided they don’t want to work with an agent. That’s where this wildly successful lead magnet can help. When sellers read how easy it is to misstep, who do you think they’re going to call? The agent who pointed them in the right direction, of course!

3. A Guide to Buying Your First Home


Since first-time homebuyers are unfamiliar with the homebuying process, providing them with as much information as possible is a great way to demonstrate your knowledge and trustworthiness. This guide encourages potential clients to think about their goals, walks them through figuring out a down payment, and reveals the costs many first-time homebuyers overlook.

4. Is a Multigenerational Home Right for You?


Living in a multigenerational home has always been a great option, but it has become increasingly popular in the past few years. You can be the much-needed resource for families looking to buy or renovate their current space. This guide includes important questions these families should ask when considering a multigenerational home and the benefits—financial and emotional—that they can expect if they decide to move forward.

5. What to Ask Before Buying a Home


Buyers will have many questions, and they’ll be anxious about which are the most important to bring up. You can help by offering this checklist of 16 questions homebuyers should ask about every home they consider before deciding which is the right one for them. From “Why is the home for sale?” to “Are the gutters in good condition?” this list allows you to provide potential clients some peace of mind.

6. Improve Your Credit Score to Purchase a Home


While everyone knows their credit score can affect their ability to buy a home, not everyone understands what goes into determining it, what actions will lower it, or what they can do to improve it. This lead magnet explains all those factors and includes a worksheet to help users develop a plan to tackle and pay down their debts.

7. Timing Your Move


There are many steps to complete during the homebuying process; this useful lead magnet makes clear that the first one is to work with a real estate agent. After they find their dream home, leads can use this guide to manage their relocation and minimize their stress. It will help them keep track of the important tasks to complete from seven weeks out until moving day to ensure a smooth move.

Optimize the value of your lead magnets

Regardless of which lead magnet you choose to attract your target audience, the most important action you can take is to follow up with a lead once they’ve downloaded your resource.

Here’s the bottom line: you will rarely, if ever, connect with a lead on your first try. Industry researchers have published numerous studies that illustrate this point in no uncertain terms. The numbers vary, but connecting with a lead always takes more attempts than the majority of sales professionals, including real estate agents, are willing to make.

Follow up until a lead tells you to stop—if you don’t, you’re leaving money on the table. For help knowing what to say, check out these free follow-up call scripts.

Link to a high-converting landing page

Once a lead clicks on your lead magnet, they need to arrive at a high-converting landing page.

As you likely know, a landing page is a single web page (not a part of your website) used in a digital marketing campaign to capture a lead’s contact information. Once a lead fills in the requested information, and depending on how you’ve set up your system, either they can download the lead magnet or it will be sent to their email.

Your landing page needs to encourage visitors to give you their information. Despite already expressing an interest in your lead magnet, if your landing page isn’t right, they may never take the next step and enter your sales funnel.

Don’t be misled by ads and articles that promise you can set up a landing page in 10 minutes or less. (Maybe you can, but it won’t be a very good one.) You can’t simply publish a few text fields and expect people to fill them in—it takes more skill and creativity than that to persuade people to give up their personal information. At a minimum, a landing page should:

  • Be optimized for searching.
  • Adapt for viewing on mobile devices.
  • Include a headline focused on a benefit.
  • Showcase an image that illustrates your offering.
  • Feature copy that is short, well-crafted, and persuasive.
  • Incorporate a single, highly visible call to action.
  • Be designed to include your lead form above the fold.
  • Omit all navigation.
  • Provide visitors with your offer.
  • Ask only for the information you absolutely need.
  • Trigger a thank you page once the information requested is provided.

Then there is the matter of tracking and measuring results. You’ll want to know how your landing page is performing:

  • How many visitors is your page receiving?
  • Where is that traffic coming from?
  • How many visitors arrive at your page and then immediately leave?
  • What did people engage with, and what did they read?
  • How many people completed the form?
  • How many start to fill out the form and then abandon their effort?
  • How many new contacts (as opposed to existing clients) did you capture?

These metrics will identify what’s working and what isn’t and provide insight into what might need to be changed to increase the number of leads.

Landing pages made easy

Such fundamentals require creative and technical skills (plus time!) that most real estate agents don’t have, nor should they be expected to.

When our real estate clients came to us for help with their digital marketing campaigns, we conducted extensive research to discover all the qualities that go into creating the best high-converting landing pages. Then we put our creative and technical teams to work. The result is a series of customizable landing pages tested and proven to produce results.


These landing pages are remarkable for several reasons. You can personalize each landing page with your own theme, branding, photo, and contact information and get consistently refreshed analytics when you visit your dashboard. New leads are also automatically added to your list of new contacts. And because speed to lead is a critical factor in getting an appointment, we notify you immediately when a new lead comes in.

Learn more about these high-converting landing pages and watch a free demo here. Regardless whether you choose to use our landing pages or another company’s or you strike out and design your own, use our free lead magnets to attract more warm leads and build your list of contacts.

Free E-book: Lead Generation For Real Estate Agents

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Written by Gabrielle C. King

I’ve spent my 30-year career making complex and unfamiliar ideas easy to understand. Today I routinely write 2,500 words or less to help entrepreneurs like real estate agents, RIAs, insurance agents, and others better understand marketing and feel a renewed confidence in their ability to close more deals and retain more business.