Timing Your Move

Demonstrate your expertise and attract leads by showing them how they can manage their move and minimize stress.

Beyond collecting boxes and hiring movers, this detailed 7-week moving guide walks clients and leads through steps such as transferring school records, arranging for a cleaning service, and creating a moving binder to save receipts for tax time.

Marketing is a game of inches, and offering this extra piece of value that will help to nurture your relationship with clients and identify you as someone who’ll go the extra mile.

Need help setting this up as a Facebook ad in order to get new leads? Watch this free Facebook Ads webinar!

Want a landing page with this lead magnet done for you? Check out our Landing Page product.


About the authors: ReminderMedia has been providing unique and top-of-the-line client follow-up tools since 2003. With an established foundation in relationship marketing, and products like American Lifestyle magazine, we’ve developed the techniques and innovations that allow our clients to take advantage of referrals and repeat business like no other solution on the market. Click to learn more