Leveraging Social Media Comments to Build Your Business

Gabrielle C. King

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Your devices and downtime can be combined and leveraged to drive more profit to your business. Here are three ways to benefit from your time spent online.

The modern age has given us a ton of ways to distract ourselves. When we’re entrenched in our devices, time melts away as we sit transfixed in the digital abyss. Streaming television, checking social media, playing alluring games—if we could quantify the amount of time we waste engaging with these programs and platforms there’s a decent chance we’d throw our phones off a bridge.


If we knew how much time we wasted scrolling through our phones, we might just throw them away.

These subtle vices steal away your time in tiny increments. Web designers are engineering everything to be as addictive as possible, and as more companies crop up every day, our attention is being fought over by some of the most influential and powerful tech companies in history. Facebook, Google, Instagram, and the like are all innovating at a rapid pace in the interest of keeping you logged in for as long as possible.

The attention economy is booming, and you have a nearly infinite number of ways to spend your precious time. I’m not writing this to encourage you to break away from your phone, but as an entrepreneur, there are better ways to use your screen time—like focusing that attention on benefiting your brand by building your social media following. If you’re going to be addicted to something, you might as well be addicted to growing your business, so try these strategies.

Don’t just like a post; comment on it

Commenting sparks engagement and can lead people to your profile, curious to learn more about what you offer. Ultimately, well-placed comments help you build relationships within your niche, expand your reach, and attract potential customers who are already interested in what you do.

By leaving insightful comments on posts from influencers, industry leaders, or even your target audience, you establish yourself as a thought leader in your field. This increases brand awareness and positions you as a valuable resource. The key is to provide genuine contributions to the conversation, not blatant self-promotion.

Eric Simon, founder of the Broke Agent and cofounding content creator for BAM, has written a blog in which he shares ways you can benefit from your social media activity simply by commenting—no posting of new content needed! You can read his blog for his five suggested tactics or listen to our Stay Paid podcast and get an in-depth discussion about what Eric’s findings mean for content creators.

Click here to listen.

Respond to comments

Engaging with comments on your social media isn’t just about being polite. It’s a gold mine for business growth.

Responding to positive comments shows appreciation and builds brand loyalty, while addressing negative comments demonstrates that you care and can turn a frustrated customer into an advocate. This two-way communication builds trust and transparency. It also opens a direct line for customer service, potentially resolving issues and preventing public negativity.

But the benefits go beyond individual interactions.

people holding signs with social media buzzwords

Engaging with comments on your social media isn’t just about being polite. It’s a gold mine for business growth.

Comments offer valuable feedback on your product or service. By listening to your audience, you can identify areas for improvement and tailor your offerings to better meet their needs. In short, responding to social media comments is an investment in your customer relationships and your company’s future.

Parlay interaction into leads

The ROI on a single comment is slim. However, if you develop the discipline to make commenting a key aspect of your social media strategy, you may discover that at least some of the effort you’ve put into creating new content over and over again may be better invested in interacting with others.

Contact Your Biggest Advocates Monthly

Commit to a consistent schedule of commenting on other people’s posts and see what happens to your own engagement and following.

Invite people who comment, especially those who respond to you directly, to engage with you offline. The more visible you are, that is, the more you comment, the more willing people will be to accept your offer because your consistency will have generated some trust. Still, be able to offer something of value—whether it’s greater detail, insight, or discussion about their interest—to make it worth their while to provide an email address or agree to exchange text messages.

[Pro tip: Let folks know you have your own personally branded magazine and that you’d love to add them to your mailing list!]

When scrolling through social media, calibrate your mind to check it for opportunities to connect with prospects. Everything you do on social media platforms should be, directly or indirectly, aimed at growing your business.

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Written by Gabrielle C. King

I’ve spent my 30-year career making complex and unfamiliar ideas easy to understand. Today I routinely write 2,500 words or less to help entrepreneurs like real estate agents, RIAs, insurance agents, and others better understand marketing and feel a renewed confidence in their ability to close more deals and retain more business.