Ep. 501: Embracing Failure: The Key Catalyst for Personal Growth and Success

 Success and Failure: Two Sides of the Same Coin What makes successful people different from most others who fail isn’t that they don’t make mistakes—it’s that they’ve learned to fail well. Failure is the key to success—we hear it said all the time, typically when some well-intentioned but nonetheless unaffected supporter is trying to… Read more »

Ep. 489: 6 Tips for Having Difficult Conversations That Produce Results and Preserve Relationships

 “Can We Talk?”: How to Have Productive Dialogue during Difficult Conversations Knowing how to have direct, radically candid conversations that produce desired results while preserving relationships is a skill that can be learned. “A person’s success in life can usually be measured by the number of uncomfortable conversations he or she is willing to… Read more »

6 Video Marketing Tips For Real Estate Agents

  Guest blogger Andre Oentoro promotes videos as marketing tools that excel at immediately capturing and keeping your audience’s attention, engaging them for longer periods, and enhancing recall. The internet and advent of third-party platforms like Zillow have forever changed how people look for available properties. While people most often find their real estate agent… Read more »

How Agents Can Build Authentic Customer Relationships on Social Media

Get genuine advice for creating mutually beneficial, trusting bonds with homebuyers and sellers to increase client retention and their lifetime value. I’m super happy you found this blog, but before beginning, let’s revisit its title. This is not another piece about how agents can “build connections” or “grow a following.” Nor is it simply about… Read more »

4 Future-Oriented Strategies to Ensure You Succeed in Real Estate

Here are four ways to secure your place in a rapidly evolving industry and remain an invaluable asset central to the process of buying and selling real estate. In the first of this two-part series on the future of real estate agents, I referred to a number of events that have brought us to …. Read more »


Craft an Email that Actually Gets Read

Getting your emails opened is one thing, but actually having them read? Priceless. Here’s how to craft the type of email that readers will actually want to digest. Video Transcription Hi, my name is Sefton Eisenhart and I’m a content writer here at ReminderMedia, and I’m filling in for Luke today to try and give… Read more »

The Perfect Number of Customer Touchpoints Finally Revealed

How many customer touchpoints does it take for customers to know, like, and trust you enough to do business with you? Have you heard this story about Red Bull? When it was first introduced to consumers in London, England, it faced stiff competition from well-entrenched soft drink and soda brands. Rather than compete head-on, the… Read more »

Ep. 25: How Emotion and Sales Go Hand-in-Hand

“When dealing with people, let us remember we are not dealing with creatures of logic. We are dealing with creatures of emotion, creatures bristling with prejudices and motivated by pride and vanity.” – Dale Carnegie When it comes to sales, human connections are extremely important. From nurturing a prospect to developing a relationship that carries… Read more »

5 Unique Ideas for How to Win a Listing Presentation

If you’re wondering how to win a listing presentation or a buyer presentation with more regularity, these sure and easy tactics are just what you need. How often do you walk away from a buyer or listing presentation having won the right to find or sell a prospect’s home? If you consider NAR’s most recent… Read more »


Why Every Business Needs a Vision Statement

“Good business leaders create a vision, articulate the vision, passionately own the vision, and relentlessly drive it to completion.” ~Jack Welch, former CEO of General Electric Everyone has personal goals—it’s human nature. Whether it’s something trivial like losing a few pounds or something of greater magnitude like by a house, setting goals gives us something… Read more »

Crush the Competition with Facebook Live!

Facebook Live is one of the platform’s most powerful features, yet very few pros are taking advantage of this new animal. In this episode, Luke will tell you how to get started and how to leverage your appearances to make more money. Video Transcription Guys today we’re talking about how do you utilize Facebook live… Read more »

4 Tips for Leaving Voicemails That Get a Response

Don’t leave a lackluster voicemail again. In sales we often overlook this part of the job, but it’s important to scrutinize our voicemail scripts and make them as effective as possible. Do your best to perfect every message with these tips from Luke Acree. Video Transcription Guys were going through the series of cold calling… Read more »