6 Free Lead Magnets That Generate Warm Insurance Leads

One of the best ways to generate insurance leads is to offer high-quality lead magnets that attract people actively interested in better understanding and meeting their insurance needs Most insurance professionals will tell you that buying insurance leads is a viable approach to building your business for three simple reasons: it’s a way of diversifying… Read more »


7 Reasons for Agents to Use a Personally Branded Magazine

Real estate agents know the importance of following up with their clients but often find it challenging to know what to send and do it consistently and effectively Top-producing real estate agents know that maintaining and expanding their client base is paramount to their success. While acquiring new leads is essential, the true gold lies… Read more »


Ep. 374: Top 5 Must-Have Real Estate Landing Pages

 Real Estate Landing Pages The landing pages every agent needs to create a reliable and steady stream of new leads Who should listen: Real estate agents wanting to know more about landing pages, the dos and don’ts for creating landing pages, and which are the best real estate landing pages to help them maintain… Read more »

How to Explain Your UVP to Leads and Clients

When you are thinking about raising your profile and gaining more clients in your local market, you may be focused primarily on the ways in which you will reach new leads and clients. However, in many cases, it’s not just who you are talking to and what platforms you’re using that puts you on the… Read more »


The 3 Best Facebook Ads for REALTORS®

Including one ad that delivers the motherlode of Facebook real estate leads You know real estate. It’s what you do. You enjoy it, you’re good at it, and you make a decent living at it. But, of course, you’d like to increase your annual GCI (what agent wouldn’t?), and you more than likely have been… Read more »


Here’s What Agents Should Be Posting on Instagram and Social Media

Who knew that when you became a real estate agent, you’d also have to become a prolific social media expert? Google is full of queries asking about real estate agents and what they should be doing on Instagram and social media: Does Instagram work for REALTORS®? How do I market myself as a REALTOR® on… Read more »


A Real Estate Agent’s Guide to Building a Personal Marketing Plan

Building a personal marketing plan can be a challenge, even if it’s only because not everyone understands what a personal marketing plan is. It’s not unusual to find writers and marketers using a variety of industry terms imprecisely. You’ll even find cases where they use words and terms with different meanings interchangeably. Words such as… Read more »


The Only 3 Real Estate Content Ideas You’ll Ever Need

Image source Here’s the problem with nearly all articles promising to offer you real estate content marketing ideas . . . They offer lists (sometimes really long lists) of disjointed content ideas that are meant to help stimulate the creative side of your brain about the types of content you can create—blogs, videos, newsletters, and… Read more »

Embracing Changes in Your Real Estate Business

There are many reasons you may choose to make changes to your existing real estate business. Maybe you’re moving to a new city for a family commitment or as a precursor to retirement. Maybe you’re changing up your niche because of diminishing returns in your current business model. Whatever the reason for a shift in… Read more »

4 Productivity Strategies to Help You Do More Each Day

For many of us, productivity may bring up images of apps, workshops, and color-coded systems, all designed to make us do more and do it more quickly. In fact, you may have already spent some time putting together a system to streamline your professional life, only to have it fall by the wayside due to… Read more »