
Graphic Design for Real Estate Agents: Free Resources, Tips, Tools

There are excellent reasons for adding graphic elements to your blogs, social media posts, real estate flyers, and website that go beyond making them look more attractive and catching people’s attention. Graphic elements, whether they’re photos, diagrams, charts, tables, videos, illustrations, or something else that relies on our visual senses to appreciate, are all capable… Read more »


Hacks to Become a Graphic Design Pro

When it comes to real estate, graphic design is an important aspect of marketing. From logos to print materials, a high-quality design can take your brand to the next level. However, for many (including myself), creating the type of design that exudes professionalism without requiring a lot of skill or time can feel like a… Read more »

Ep. 232: 5 Tragic Landing Page Mistakes That Cost You Leads

 Avoid These 5 Mistakes and Immediately Improve Landing Page Conversion Rate There are lots of companies that will charge you lots of money to improve landing page conversion rate using strategies and tactics you can implement yourself. Among those strategies are avoiding these five common but easily corrected mistakes: Including more than one call… Read more »

American Lifestyle magazine design ideas

Top 10 Interior Design Blogs to Share with Clients

From Pinterest to Facebook and Instagram, interior design is a hot topic on social media. Whether you’re an interior designer yourself or a real estate agent looking to offer your clients high-quality home content, you stand to benefit a great deal by engaging people around this popular subject. To help you strengthen connections with your… Read more »

3 Tips for Using AI to Optimize Your Real Estate Content Marketing

The one thing real estate agents never seem to have enough of is time. With only 24 hours in each day, any tool that can increase your productivity is something worth exploring. Generative AI, or gen AI, is a broad category of artificial intelligence that can save you precious time with its unparalleled ability to… Read more »

7 Must-Have Real Estate Postcards for Agents

It’s likely you already know that real estate direct mail postcards (and direct mail in general) are an effective way to generate brand recognition and leads. Real estate postcards also have some unique benefits that make them an excellent choice if you are just starting to experiment with direct mail marketing: Postcards don’t use envelopes,… Read more »

ADA Compliance for Real Estate Websites

Are design flaws on your website blocking entire segments of qualified buyers from easily accessing listings? Guest blogger David Gevorkian reviews the benefits of ensuring your website conforms to ADA specifications and offers suggestions for how to bring yours into compliance. As a real estate professional, you work tirelessly to market properties and connect buyers… Read more »

What Is the Future of Real Estate Agents?

No one would blame you if you were worried about your future as a real estate agent. But for those who can adapt, success is more assured. A lot has happened in the past two decades to disrupt the real estate industry and challenge those whose livelihoods are dependent upon its health and stability. Events… Read more »


Ep. 371: How to Create a Magnetic Authentic Brand

 What Attracts Also Repels Who should listen: Solopreneurs who need to develop their own leads and want to solve problems they love to solve for the type of clients they love to help. Key idea: Business isn’t B2C or B2B. Rather, business is H2H—human to human. People do business with people; social media is… Read more »


The Dos and Don’ts of User Experience

Web design encompasses many things, but the one thing that should remain at the core of every website is how seamless the user experience is. Any visitor to a website should be able to navigate the various pages with ease, and have an experience that makes them want to come back for more. Our web… Read more »


Can Technology Ever Replace the Real Estate Agent?

It seems like every day, new technology is weaving its way into all facets of industry. If you follow technology blogs or industry news, then the idea of technology eventually replacing face-to-face interactions altogether probably doesn’t sound that far-fetched to you. But, can the same be said for the real estate industry, which is still… Read more »