What Millennials Want in a Real Estate Agent

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When it comes to real estate, millennials are a hot topic, and for good reason. Not only are they currently the largest generational group, a significant portion of them are actively perusing the market for a real estate agent. While tailoring your marketing tactics to reach this group is relatively simple, ensuring that you understand what they’re searching for in an agent is what matters the most.

Someone who is social

How is your social media presence? According to Entrepreneur, the average millennial spends 5.4 hours on social media per day. In order to effectively prospect to millennials, you must be active on various platforms. Consider using Instagram to share new listings, and go live from open houses and community events from Facebook. The more time you spend pumping out engaging social content, the more likely millennials are to take notice.

Someone who understands their preferred method of contact

If you think that your phone will ring after leaving a millennial a voicemail, think again. Although they spend more time on their phones than any other generation, they’re doing everything but talking. Instead, they’re feverishly checking text messages and aimlessly scrolling through their email inboxes. Sending a text message is one of the best (and easiest) ways to ensure that your message reaches millennials. In fact, according to a report done by Dynmark, text messages have an open rate of 98%.

Someone who acts as a mentor

Millennials are results-driven. They have a quest for knowledge, and won’t make a decision until they’ve fully considered every option. And when it comes to a decision as large as buying a home, they’ll be looking for someone who can double as a coach. Whether it’s keeping them up to date with the market or feeding them vital first time homebuyer tips, the more valuable information, the merrier.

Someone who knows when to take a step back

While millennials appreciate information, they’re a group that tends to be quite opinionated and set in their ways. Meaning that they’ll want enough time and space to evaluate their decision and come to a consensus on their own. Sure, calling and texting your prospects is always advisable, but with this group, it’s best to give them their own space. Bombarding them with communication and pushing them to make a decision could have a negative impact.

Although deciphering millennials’ needs takes a little more time than it does with other generations, the end results certainly outweigh the extra effort.

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