How You Can Put Your Marketing Budget to Good Use During Quarantine

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If you’re like most small business owners, you’ve probably used your time since the coronavirus crisis began to think about ways to cut your budget. And while this is a valid strategy to consolidate your expenses and can help ensure your business makes it out of the crisis relatively unscathed, you may be cutting back in the wrong areas.


Think digital.

When there are a lot of businesses pulling back on their digital marketing efforts, you have an increased opportunity to stand out if you double down. It’s no secret that people are spending an increased amount of time online right now, and that added exposure means it’s prime time to get in front of your clients and prospects.

Facebook ads

One of the best ways you can do that is through setting up a Facebook ad campaign. (If you’re not sure how, check out this blog that simplifies the process of setting up an ads manager account.) Facebook ads can help you generate new leads for your business, and can even help you target the specific groups of people you’d most like to work with.

Go Live

facebook live

So many businesses are making Live videos on social media—be it on Facebook or Instagram—to stay in touch with clients. Determine the best use of this platform for your business, first. For instance, if you’re a real estate agent, you can use Live to record virtual tours of properties you’re selling.

Curated content

social media shares

ReminderMedia has a digital library full of incredible resources for you to share with clients. Our Social Media Shares Premium has thousands of blogs branded to you for posting on Facebook ,Twitter, and the like that are guaranteed to make an impact with your sphere. You want to make sure the content you’re sharing is balanced, informative, and relevant for your sphere right now—from easy recipes people can make as a family to home improvement projects.


Embrace a targeted approach.


You should always be thinking niche when it comes to your marketing, but this is more important now than ever. Targeted marketing works for a reason—it connects with clients and prospects in a way that generalized marketing can’t. It hits them emotionally. It’s so important to connect with clients on this emotional level. Your marketing and outreach should be compassionate (e.g., letting your sphere know that you’re here for them) before diving in to anything related to your business.

Try scheduling a time to talk with your top tier clients over the phone. Ask them how they’re doing and if there is anything you can do to help. They might expect to hear from you, but probably not in this capacity. It pays to be a sympathetic ear, and you’ll build strong connections that will help clients and prospects to remember you when the economy picks back up.


Don’t throw it all away.

money in trash can

You’ve worked hard to build the marketing budget you have, and despite the strategies other small businesses are employing, you can’t lie down and give up everything you’ve worked for. Upping your marketing budget now can actually save you time and money down the road—so take stock, think critically, and make moves today that will benefit your business in the long term.