Regardless of your industry, prospects are pure gold. Every sale begins with a prospect and without a continuous stream of contact information funneling in, there would be no deals to close. But prospecting takes both dedication and high-quality tactics. If you’re racking your brain for effective prospecting methods, consider creating lead magnets.
What are lead magnets?
According to a definition from Optinmonster, a lead magnet is defined as “an incentive that marketers offer to potential buyers in exchange for their email address, or other contact information. Lead magnets usually offer a piece of digital, downloadable content, such as a free PDF checklist, report, eBook, whitepaper, video, etc.”
What makes a good lead magnet?
Ah, the million-dollar question. Let’s face it: a low-converting lead magnet doesn’t provide any value. In order for your lead magnet to be effective and high-converting, it’s important to follow this criteria:
It’s easily consumed.
For starters, no one wants to be on the receiving end of a lead magnet that’s hard to digest. In fact, a lead magnet is only effective if the recipients use it. You don’t need to create a 20-page eBook. Just keep things short and to the point.
It’s action-driven.
It’s imperative to keep in mind that the best lead magnets are the ones that provide an actionable tool. For instance, if you’re a real estate agent, consider creating something similar to the “Ultimate Packing List” (you can download a copy from this blog) to share with prospects who are interested in moving.
It’s free.
Who doesn’t love free things? If you want me to be frank, no one will give up their contact information if they have to pay. In order to receive valuable lead information, every lead magnet that you offer should be free of cost.
It’s relevant.
Quite possibly the most important and overlooked aspect. Think about it this way. As an agent, you wouldn’t want to offer new homebuyers a pet care guide. Instead, you would want to provide them with the type of information that they’re actually interested in, like a checklist of “Questions to Ask Before Buying.” (Check out our version on Pinterest.)
It’s instant.
Nobody has any patience, including your prospects. Meaning, you need to deliver the lead magnet as soon as they put in their contact information. There are quite a few programs that will automate the process for you—OptinMonster, Mailchimp, and LeadPages.
How do I deliver lead magnets?
Now is the fun part—the delivery of lead magnets. The majority of lead magnets are offered when a prospect accesses your landing page. Meaning that they click on your ad on Facebook and are prompted to put in their contact information for a piece of content in return. Once they put in their information, the lead magnet will automatically begin to download in their browser.
In addition to the landing page delivery, you can offer a lead magnet in the banner of your email newsletter. This works well if you have a large list of prospects that have subscribed to your newsletter. Once prospects click on the banner, they’ll be directed to a landing page that prompts them to put in their contact information. Again, once they put in their information, the lead magnet will automatically begin to download in their browser.
The takeaway
Although creating lead magnets and integrating them into your digital presence is more difficult than cold calling, the benefits certainly outweigh the risks. To get you started, you can check out and download our FREE lead magnets and use them as often as you wish.