How to Segment Your Clients to Increase ROI


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While you can organize your client list in many ways, one of the most effective is to note their position in your sales funnel.

When you’re putting together a client database, it’s important to be aware of who is on your list and why.

Knowing where you stand with each customer will allow you to better personalize your marketing and get more return on your investment.

That’s why it’s important to segment your clients. While there are many ways you can organize your list, one of the most effective ways is to categorize your clients by their position in your sales funnel.

Keep reading to find out who goes on each list, as well as what you can do to get them to the next level.

Your A-list

A-List: Send branded magazines

Simply put: your A-list is made up of your valued clients. They’ve bought from you previously—perhaps even more than once—and you’re working to maintain the relationship. When you contact this group, you should be concerned with offering value and maintaining good feelings around you and your business.

If you’re a ReminderMedia customer, this segment would be an ideal recipient group for any of our four personally branded magazines. Since these magazines are branded and feature a personal letter from you (customizable down to the individual recipient at no additional cost), they’re a great tool for staying top of mind. You can request a free sample of any of these professional publications here.

Of course, whether or not you’re a ReminderMedia customer, you’ll want to check in regularly with your A-list. Whether you’re texting to see how they liked their latest magazine or calling to wish them a happy birthday, it’s crucial to stay in touch with these people in the same way you would a friend or family member.

Ultimately, you want to transform these people into the biggest advocates for your business. When you maintain genuine, meaningful relationships with your A-list, you’ll be rewarded with referrals and repeat business for years to come.

Your B-list

B-list: Send your digital edition

The B-list consists of your outer circle, as well as relevant leads (read: warm leads) who could become customers in the not-so-distant future. In other words, they’re part of your nurture group. You’ll want to keep a close eye on this group—adjusting your marketing outreach based on their behavior.

As with your A-list, you’ll also need to offer consistent value to this segment. But, since you’ll be working with a large pool of prospects for an undetermined period of time, you need to have a marketing strategy that’s both scalable and affordable.

One of the most effective ways to connect with your B-list is by sending them regular emails. Make sure to include links to interesting or useful content, as well as information about any special promotions you might have going on. Be sure to personalize your messaging, and to address your prospects by name, whenever possible. According to Campaign Monitor, emails with personalized subject lines are 26 percent more likely to be opened by the recipient.

You should focus on sending your warm leads something educating or entertaining—in other words, something they’ll really want.

If you’re a ReminderMedia customer, you’ll definitely want to send your B-list a copy of your digital edition. It’s just one of the four digital marketing tools you get with the Digital Marketing Platform.

Call to action button that reads 4 digital marketing tools, one convenient platform. Get your first month for only $4.99

Each issue features amazing articles and videos that will make you stand out from all the other email marketers who are courting your prospects. Plus, you’ll have built-in analytics that will let you know how engaged your recipients are—which means that, with a little effort, you can get them to the A-list in no time.

Your C-list

C-list: Send postcards

To use a term specific to the real estate world, this is your farming list. By definition, this is your biggest and broadest segment.

While they’re on your list for a reason—whether that’s because they fit a certain niche or because they live in a specific area—you’re probably not sure how interested most of these people actually are.

When you’re marketing to this group, you want to be sure of two things:

  • You’re reaching out consistently (1-2 times a month).
  • Your marketing efforts are as cost-effective as possible.

Many businesses choose to promote locally through social media. Facebook allows you to target ads specifically to people who like your page, which gives you an opportunity to get the word out about specific products or services to a relevant audience. But it also allows for zip code-based targeting, as well as targeting by interests.

One of the best ways to connect with your C-list is through inexpensive direct mail options, such as postcards. Gary Keller discussed the effectiveness of this approach in his best-selling book, The Millionaire Real Estate Agent. According to his findings, real estate agents can reasonably expect to convert one client for every 50 people they target by direct mail once a month for a year.

25 free postcards for real estate agents

ReminderMedia customers can send content-rich postcards to a targeted list of their choosing—defined by demographics, as well as geographic location. This approach, combined with other brand-building activities such as door knocking and community events, will lead to greater name recognition and the potential for exponential growth.

Of course, once you’ve determined the relevant, interested leads from your C-list, you can move them to the B-list, and so on. As prospects move through your funnel, you’ll connect with them using the right tools, and you’ll see a lot more of the results you’re looking for.

Obviously, it’s up to you which way you want to segment your list. But ultimately, you want to make sure you’re doing all you can to send the right marketing materials to the right client at the right time. When you achieve that kind of harmony, you’ll be amazed how much your business will grow.

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