Using Your Facebook Business Page as Part of Your Inbound Strategy

Inbound marketing, which involves taking strangers through a process that eventually turns them into customers and even promoters of your brand, has become the most effective marketing strategy for doing business online. That means it’s no longer just a “good idea” for your business to be actively involved in social media. As reported by Marketing… Read more »

How to Build an Effective Contact Database in Under 5 Minutes

Updated April 21, 2021 So, you’re the type of person who’s always busy. You’re out there meeting new clients, and successfully representing the ones you have. You’re attending networking seminars at every opportunity, sending out branded marketing material, and calling past clients (when you have time). And yet, you still find that you’re not getting as much repeat… Read more »

10 Conversational Habits of Trustworthy Professionals

Every time someone gives a referral, his or her own reputation is on the line. So why would anyone risk referring a professional they don’t completely trust? They wouldn’t. They likely wouldn’t do business themselves with someone they didn’t trust, either. No one wants to risk the embarrassment and financial loss of being taken for… Read more »

3 Steps to a Profitable Social Network

Last year, the sales manager at a car dealership told me about an embarrassing episode involving one of his salespeople. Apparently, this guy’s grandmother came to the dealership and bought a car, not from her grandson, but from another salesperson! She didn’t dislike her grandson (at least as far as I know). So why didn’t… Read more »

Do Something Amazing for Your Past Clients Every Month

How much attention and effort do you put into maintaining your client relationships? Salespeople are always looking for the next lead, they always want to put forth the smallest amount of effort on a fresh prospect and close them with solid pitch and a single phone call. But working new leads and turning them into… Read more »

Tips to Get More Real Estate Leads This Halloween

Take advantage of Halloween door knocking and generate real estate leads while trick-or-treating Whether you’re taking a group of kids around to trick-or-treat or simply handing out goodies from your home, Halloween is a great opportunity to find new leads, increase your sales, and reconnect with past clients. We’ve gathered a few scary simple ideas… Read more »

3 Ways to Cultivate Gratitude and Achieve Success

In life, for some strange reason, it seems easier to focus on the negative rather than the positive. When we look back on the past month, we can easily conjure up memories of when everything went horribly wrong, but when things go smoothly, we tend to let it slide through our consciousness unnoticed. Maybe it’s… Read more »

Lead Generation vs. Lead Cultivation

In the real estate world, there seems to be a whole secondary industry devoted to selling agents leads. The lead game is no joke, and if agents want to keep their pipelines full, they always have to keep an eye on the next sale. But having an eye to the future doesn’t mean you have… Read more »

Stop Letting Zillow Eat Your Lunch

Every real estate agent knows the importance of quality leads. Every time I turn around I feel there is a new company offering to sell leads to the highest bidder. But what if you’re a new agent trying to get your sea legs in the industry? Hopefully you set aside some savings, and hopefully you… Read more »

5 Tips to Jump-Start Your Real Estate Career

Between the lucrative commission and flexible schedule opportunities, a career in real estate can be extremely appealing to many. Yet, like anything else in life, growing something from the ground up can be feel daunting. Aside from a developing a strong sense of inner motivation and fortitude, there are a few additional tips that can… Read more »

Does Your Car Matter as a Real Estate Agent?

Does your car really matter as a real estate agent? Does it make any degree of difference? In short, yes. There are different types of real estate agents. Some pride themselves on a laid-back approach. Others hold themselves to a high standard when it comes to formality. Your car has to represent what you bring… Read more »