How to Use Your Promotional Copies to Your Advantage

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Every real estate agent knows they have to engage in geofarming. But it can be a slow and arduous process, especially if you rely on postcards to do the bulk of your work. We’re not kicking postcards—they’re great for increasing brand awareness—but they’re one of those “gotta be in the right place at the right time” sort of strategies. That’s why you should get out on occasion and meet people in person.

When you meet with people you can make a connection, share an experience, and learn about their needs and challenges. So why don’t more agents do it? Probably because it can be awkward. You’re a real estate agent, not a door-to-door salesman.

So don’t sell. Instead, bring along a box of Promotional Copies to deliver to your neighbors. It’s the perfect excuse to strike up conversations without annoying people. Not only, that, it makes a great leave behind while door knocking that people will actually hold on to after you leave.

The possibilities for Promotional Copies are virtually endless. But we had to draw the line somewhere to make this list manageable. So here are five of our favorite Promotional Copy strategies:

1. Walk the neighborhood campaigns

Whether you’re just popping in on current clients, or you’re out there trying to meet new ones, promotional copies make a pop-by mutually beneficial. (And if you need additional pop-by ideas, check out our Resource Library; we’ve got a ton of free pop-by tags, cards, and ideas.)

2. Make an unforgettable first impression

We understand that business cards may be a necessary component of doing business, but sometimes they feel a little too impersonal. In those instances, it’s nice to have a few Promotional Copies on hand to solidify a professional impression.

3. Leverage open houses

We have heard from several of our clients that Promotional Copies make an excellent lead generator at open houses. They have found that by giving out a “complimentary copy” to each guest, most people are inclined to provide contact information to be added to the agent’s mailing list.

4. Include in listing appointments

A copy of the magazine can give you just the edge that you need to secure more listings. Agents often create custom ads that feature their recently sold properties as a form of social proof.

5. Display in high-traffic areas

This one is a no-brainer. The most common method for using promotional copies is to display them wherever they’ll be seen—at your local coffee shop, in your hairstylist’s waiting area, in your doctor’s office. We often get emails from readers of the magazine asking how they can subscribe.


Promotional Copies: The Secret Weapon in Your Marketing Arsenal

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