When it comes to generating leads and becoming synonymous with your local real estate market, farming is the way to go. Farming is a long-term approach with exponential benefits.
Today on Above the Noise, Josh Stike explains three techniques for connecting with the residents of your geographic farm.
Video Transcription
When your goal is to become a top producer, it’s all about creating brand awareness in the areas that you serve. One of the best ways to do that is through farming.
Farming is an effective, long-term approach to real estate sales. You’re planting seeds through consistent outreach and relevant messaging, with the hopes that those seeds will bear a harvest for you months down the line.
Technique #1: Direct Mail
In the digital age, postcards are still one of the most effective and affordable options for reaching people in the community that you serve. In Gary Keller’s book, The Millionaire Real Estate Agent, he explains through testing that sending a direct mail piece to 50 people once a month for a year should result in at least one real estate transaction.
By sending postcards consistently to a large pool of potential prospects, you’re likely to see a huge return on investment. You just need to make sure that what you’re sending has relevant messaging that will actually get the attention of the people you’re sending it to. Make sure you have a clear call to action, and that your contact information is there so they can get in touch with you.
To see the amazing new postcard options offered by ReminderMedia, visit print.remindermedia.com, or click the link in the description of this video.
Technique #2: Door Knocking
Door knocking is a great way to get your name and face out into the community, while having a chance to meet the people you’re looking to work with. It also allows you to have genuine interactions with people, gauge their interest in your services, and begin building trust.
Of course, there will be a lot of people who won’t open the door. But that’s okay. Because, like anything else in sales and marketing, this is a numbers game, and your goal is just to open the door to a relationship.
Download a PDF sample of American Lifestyle to stay in touch with past clients.
One way to warm up the homes you’re visiting is to farm an area with direct mail before you begin door knocking. When it’s time to go door to door, make sure you have a concise pitch. Bring along an item of value like American Lifestyle or Start Healthy magazine. And, for a killer strategy and script for door knocking, make sure to check out our interview with James Festini on our podcast Stay Paid. You can check that out at staypaidpodcast.com or on YouTube.
Technique #3: Facebook Advertising
This is where you can get hyperlocal with your content, because you can target your ads down to a single street or out to an entire zip code, while also specifying demographic information and interests of the people in that area. Plus, Facebook offers retargeting options that will allow you to reach the same people with different ads consistently on Facebook, around the web, and even on Instagram. This helps you build mindshare and ultimately drive sales.
If you’re a ReminderMedia customer looking for a great way to increase your reach and build your brand, try posting a link to your magazine’s digital edition and then boosting that post.
The takeaway
Look, the first step to working with any client is to become known first. Then, you become liked and trusted. And that’s what farming is all about—planting the seeds for future relationships.
With this three-pronged approach (postcards, Facebook advertising, and door knocking), you’re going to be visible in the mailbox, online, and in person—making you the best-known agent in your area.
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