How Much Does a Polar Bear Weigh?

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Enough to break the ice! (ba dum, tsh!)

“Speaking of polar bears, have you read the article on them in the most recent issue of American Lifestyle that I sent you?”

I know. It’s corny. But this icebreaker (submitted by our very talented production artist, Chelsea) is just one of the many ways you can start a conversation with the recipients of your magazine.

Thousands of professionals are using our personally branded magazines to connect with their core clients, but so few actually pick up the phone to find out what their recipients think of their custom publication. The most common reason why? They don’t know what to say.

So we challenged our employees to think of real-world icebreakers that you can use when calling clients about your next issue of American Lifestyle, Start Healthy, Good to Be Home, or Business in Action magazine. Whether you use them word for word or just for inspiration, here are the top ten most unique icebreakers submitted by ReminderMedia employees:

  1. “I love connecting with all of my supporters. How do you like this issue of [insert magazine name]?”
  2. “Did you read the travel feature in my latest issue of [insert magazine name] magazine yet? It instantly took me down memory lane to my favorite childhood vacation spot, where I will be taking my family for the first time this summer. Do you have any summer trips planned?”
  3. “I wanted to give you a quick call to let you know that every time I send you my magazine, I remember how fun it was working with you. It made me realize that it isn’t just about real estate; it’s about the relationship. Enjoy this issue, and remember that I’m grateful to be your REALTOR®.”
  4. “I know it’s been a few years since we last connected, but you probably received my [insert magazine name] magazine recently, and I wanted to see if you had a chance to read it. I ask because it has an article about the Marathon Man in it, which of course made me think of you! Do you still compete in triathlons?”
  5. “I know how much you love your new kitchen, so immediately I thought of you when I read this wonderful recipe from [insert magazine name] magazine. I’m making it this weekend, but I’m not sure what else to make with it. Any suggestions?”
  6. “Hi Bill, I wanted to call to make sure you got my magazine. I’m sending it as a gift to my best clients as a thank you for their business.”
  7. “Fred, my man! I saw the article about classic cars in the latest edition of [insert magazine name], and it reminded me of that house I sold you with the attached garage for your ’67 Camaro. Do you still have that baby?”
  8. “I’ve created a really great contest around this month’s issue of [insert magazine name] magazine. I’m calling to make sure you received the magazine and saw the contest details. If you flip over to the Back Cover or to either of the Tear Out Cards, you’ll see the contest details and the prizes associated with it. I just wanted to follow up and make sure you don’t miss it, since you are one of my most loyal clients.”
  9. “I hope I’m not interrupting your brunch right now. I sent you that [insert magazine name] magazine with all of those delicious brunch ideas, and I thought you might be busy enjoying them right now!”
  10. “Have you had an opportunity to read that article about traveling cross-country on the Lincoln Highway? The last time we reviewed your retirement funds, I know you were brainstorming what your first post-retirement trip would be, and I thought the article would be great inspiration for you.”

No matter what you decide to say, the action of following up with your clients will speak volumes, strengthening your relationships and resulting in more repeat business and referrals.

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