The Darker Side of a Career in Sales

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Making sales calls, selling products door to door, and even dealing in real estate, are all professions that are bound to leave you with some downright disturbing stories. Whether you’ve been on the other end of a call that’s left you with shivers down your spine or had to backpedal out of a house because you swore the eyes in the painting were following you—these stories prove you’re not alone.

#1. The Accidental Animal Sacrifice

An HVAC salesman was about to close a deal at a client’s home when the homeowners’ dog approached the front door with what appeared to be a half-dead chicken he found. Noticing the chicken was suffering, the man decided to help it along when the client came out to see what was going on. Needless to say, when she saw the salesman beating a chicken on her front porch, she decided not to buy.

#2. No Sale at the Slaughterhouse

A financial services agent for Bank of America knew she was going to be meeting clients at a meat packing facility, but had no idea that a tour of the factory floor was in store. Donned in high heels and a linen suit, the agent trudged about the messy floors of the freezing slaughterhouse until she eventually passed out from a combination of the smell, cold, and horrifying sights.

#3. Chasing the Sale

A rookie insurance salesman was having extreme difficulty securing a meeting with a particular client. After multiple ignored phone calls he decided to show up at the client’s home, unannounced. He rang the doorbell three times to no answer before he heard the client speed away in his car. Instead of letting the sale go, he hopped in his car and started a high-speed chase after the man—flying through stop signs and red lights. Though it didn’t end in a sale, he was lucky to come away with his car—and life—still intact.

#4. Cabin in the Woods

A single mother working as a successful financial advisor was paying a visit to a potential client’s home when the unthinkable happened. As she approached the long driveway leading to a small cabin home, she didn’t think much of the spooky scene. She was greeted by a large, burly man who invited her inside. As she was giving her pitch, the man left the room only to return with a large ax raised above his head. Without an explanation, the man slammed his axe into one of the wooden chairs along the exterior of the room and threw it into the fire that was keeping the house warm. Obviously, the woman finished her pitch quickly and fled.

#5. The Unfortunate Kiddie Mistake

As a newcomer to the world of insurance, a rookie salesman attended a conference hoping to produce more leads and better results for himself. At the conference, he was told a story about a man who used his client’s child to close the sale—citing the baby’s need for great insurance coverage. Hoping the tactic would work for him, he tried the same speech at his next sale, holding up the couple’s newborn baby, demanding they make the deal, not for themselves, but for the sake of their child. The couple was visibly shaken, as the wife screamed at him to leave and the husband reached for a handgun above the refrigerator.

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