10 Ways Financial Advisors Use Additional Copies for New Business

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Additional copies are great to have on hand in many situations. Here are some ideas you may not have thought about yet:


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1.  No matter how perfect your mailing list is, there are always a few clients you forget to include. Send them an additional copy, and if it makes sense, add them to your core mailing list.

2.  In an attempt to reengage, pick 5 to 10 clients you haven’t spoken to in a while. Attach a letter to the issue, and follow up with a phone call.

3.  From time to time, a client will ask for another copy to share with a friend or family member, so be prepared. Along the same lines, when a client calls to thank you, ask if there’s a friend or family member who might be interested in receiving a copy of that issue.


Woman Reading American Lifestyle magazine

4.  American Lifestyle is a unique way to introduce prospects to your practice! As you are meeting with prospects between mailing cycles, include a very classy magazine in your prospect kit (new client kit). Ask yourself, “How many prospect meetings am I running every two months?” If they become a client, add them to your core mailing list.

5.  Use additional copies as seminar takeaway items. Instead of leaving with a Money Management folder, prospects can leave with a copy of American Lifestyle magazine.

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6.  Pick 5 COIs a month that you would love to do business with in your community. They could be a CPA, attorney, middle market investment banker, business banker, mortgage broker, CFO or treasurer for 401(k) opportunity, etc. Send a letter with the magazine, and follow up with a phone call.

7.  As you build your COI rolodex, ask 5 clients every month who their CPA and attorney are—after all, you are the third leg to that stool. Get your client’s permission to mail them a letter and call them. Send a letter with a copy of the magazine. In the letter, let them know you both have a common client. Make the call after the COI receives it.


Clients having a conversation about their realtor

8.  Always have 5 to 10 additional copies in your car or briefcase ready to hand out. If you’re out and about at either BNI, Toastmasters, or Chamber of Commerce, a copy of your magazine is a great handout. How about that conversation you had with the person sitting next to you on the plane to Miami? As you’re right about to land, hand the person a copy of your magazine for good reading when they’re relaxing on the beach.

Cold canvassing


9.  Leave a few additional copies in a dentist office, doctor’s office, spa, Mercedes dealership, etc. Be creative!

Business journal promotions


10.  Consult your local business journal for recent job promotions, and use additional copies of American Lifestyle with an attached congratulations letter to welcome them to their new positions. There are 401(k) rollovers at play here.

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