Ep. 445: Be Unbreakable: 6 Ways to Be More Disciplined

Self-discipline Begins and Ends with Mindset

Key idea: Self-discipline is a habit, and as with most habits, it helps to have a plan for developing it. But a plan is only useful when you’ve first set your mind to follow it through.

You can name a task to pretty much anyone and they’ll give you a list of ways for completing it. But the value of these lists doesn’t come from the specific tips on them. Rather, it’s in the lessons, insight, and inspiration embedded within them and the passion with which they are explained and shared. It’s these attributes that make listening to this episode one of the best things you can do for yourself today.

In Part 2 of our miniseries about how to develop self-discipline, we pick up where we left off in episode 441. In that episode, we spoke about the first two of six ways to achieve this:

  1. Know where you struggle. You can’t solve a problem until you know what it is. Identify the aspects of your life where you are lacking and desire greater self-discipline.
  2. Write down your goals. Laying out exactly what you want to achieve will clarify the result you want, manifest what otherwise would remain a mere idea, and help turn your intentions into actions.

In this Silver Dollar episode, we address the remaining four strategies:

  1. Visualize the outcome. Keeping your end result in mind and frequently revisiting it encourages you to act.
  2. Don’t wait for something to feel right before doing it. Stop making excuses and waiting for the “right time;” there is no such thing.
  3. Measure your progress. Evaluation is a guiding instrument that also has the power to motivate. Be honest with yourself, and reward the small wins.
  4. Get an accountability partner. Find someone you trust and can be vulnerable with, then listen to their counsel.

We hope you enjoy this episode and act on the advice Luke offers at the end. We’d also appreciate it if you took a moment to leave us a 5-star review and comment on Apple Podcasts. (We read them on air!) Thanks for listening!

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