Sales Objections Versus Excuses (Know the Difference)

Alexa Bricker

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Everyone who has ever worked in sales can tell you that for every amazing sales pitch, there are a million objections. While some objections are valid, and the prospect may really be unable to work with you for whatever reason, most of the time these concerns are really just convenient excuses to put off your proposition.

If you’ve been in the business awhile, you’ve probably already heard every objection in the book: I don’t have the money . . . ; I can’t make this kind of decision right now . . . ; I don’t like your product . . . But as a salesperson, you also know how good it feels to overcome these objections and make a deal.

So what’s the best way to combat these excuses? The first step is to identify the difference between a reluctant prospect and one who is being straightforward about their apprehensions.

A prospect doesn’t mention one of the top objections

If a prospect sounds interested in your services, but requests more time to make a decision, this is more likely than not an excuse to buy themselves time and get you off the phone. If they don’t mention one of the top real objections in their response to you (like a lack of money) then there is plenty of potential to overcome this. Instead of directing your energy toward convincing the prospect that they don’t actually need more time, use your resources to make the purchase irresistible and timely, be it through a special, one-time deal or another perceived bonus for committing today.

A prospect has a lack of motivation, not interest

It is relatively easy to tell when a prospect is simply unmotivated to listen to your pitch, which you can actually play to your benefit. An unmotivated prospect is much easier to convince than a prospect with actual objections, so be persistent. There are plenty of ways to bring a sense of urgency to the table, and when you do, they may be more likely to realize your offer is too good to pass up.

A prospect isn’t specific in their objection

Typically, if a prospect is being truthful about their objections you will be able to hear the sincerity in their voice—or, if you’re meeting in person—see it on their face. But when a prospect is making excuses, they will often be vague and unorganized in their responses. Pay attention to what the prospect is saying, not necessarily how they are saying it.

When it comes to identifying a prospect’s excuses versus honest objections, it will take time and practice to hear the difference. When you do start to pick up on their verbal clues, though, it becomes obvious when a prospect is just trying to get you off the phone.

Use these identifiers the next time you’re on the phone with a difficult prospect, and feel better prepared to handle their objections with ease.

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Written by Alexa Bricker

Creative writer who believes in the power of a well-told story and helpful content.