Personal Marketing with Your Letter

Alexa Bricker

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From your messages on social media to your phone calls, every interaction with a client is an opportunity to make a lasting impression. You may have heard that it’s important to allow clients a look into your personal life. The 80-20 rule, as it’s often called, encourages a balance of personal content and business-or-industry-related content in your marketing, and helps you look more relatable and human.

When it comes to the Front Inside Cover Letter in your American Lifestyle magazine, your ability to personalize your message extends as far as the individual client. There is virtually no limit on the way you can differentiate and customize this space, and a personal message certainly carries more weight than a general one.

At the same time, there is a fine line between relating to clients through common interests and oversharing on areas of your personal life that have no relevance in building solid relationships. How can you establish this line?

Do: Update clients on developments in your business.

If anything changes in your business (e.g. moving locations, taking on a new associate), your Front Inside Cover Letter is a great opportunity to fill your clients in. You can go into slightly more detail about how these changes may affect your client, and thank them for standing with you through the stages of your business as it grows.

Don’t: Update clients on negative events.

Life happens, including the bad things. Your business (and personal life) is bound to have ups and downs, but that doesn’t mean it’s appropriate to share every detail in your letter. Save this space for positivity that will encourage clients to refer you, and work with you again. If your letter is bringing your clients down, they probably won’t want to interact with you in person, either.

Do: Be timely in your message.

If you know a client’s anniversary, birthday, or another special occasion is coming up, consider a message of congratulations or well-wishes in your letter. This type of niche personalization is guaranteed to make a client feel special, and is certainly a good way to keep yourself and your business in the forefront of their mind.

Holidays are also a good opportunity to relate with clients through sharing a family tradition or a look into how you celebrate. Family is a common denominator that can make clients feel closer to you.

Don’t: Go on at length about yourself.

As previously mentioned, it’s totally fine to update clients on how you are doing, both professionally and personally, but an entire letter dedicated to you without a single mention of your clients or a thank you for their business? This is bound to be off-putting to most. A good strategy is to start your letter with an update, followed by detail about the magazine and why you hope your clients enjoy it.

The best way to think of your letter is as a direct conversation with your clients. Ultimately, if the discussion was in-person, you would probably avoid oversharing details of your personal life that may feel too private for a business conversation, but may feel inclined to share exciting updates like birthdays, marriages, anniversaries, etc.

The line can be hard to establish between letting clients into your life and keeping it professional, but once you figure out a happy balance, your letter is guaranteed to make all the difference in getting your client’s attention, and keeping them invested in your business long-term.

Written by Alexa Bricker

Creative writer who believes in the power of a well-told story and helpful content.