Renters and first-time homebuyers make for great clients, but they usually aren’t interested in ownership because they haven’t been educated on how to get started. Pick up the phone and invite them to a seminar. Spread the word and fill your funnel with sweet leads.
Video Transcription
You’ve heard me say in past videos that renters are a great source of leads for you, especially if you’re after first-time homebuyers because a lot of times renters have never bought a home. Today I want to talk to you about calling an apartment complex to help you generate those leads and give you a strategy for cold calling and winning over renters.
1. Get names and numbers
The second thing you’re gonna need when you prepare to cold call is you’re gonna need the names and numbers. So where do you go to get these? You can go to, type in the address of an apartment complex, and it will list that address, the available phone numbers, and the neighbors so you can grab that info and put it into your CRM.
Now the caveat I’ll give you is that you have to abide by the Do Not Call list so you’re gonna want to get the Do Not Call list and make sure you cross-reference. If you don’t want to deal with that hassle, you can go to a site like Data Axle and they can provide you with the names, addresses, and phone numbers that abide by the Do Not Call list.
2. Speak with the leasing agent
The third thing you’re gonna want to do as you prepare to cold call is to go to that apartment complex website, call the leasing agent, and find out how much that renter is paying on an annual basis for the unit. The reason why you want this is to define their pain point. You’ll use the cost of renting as a reason to come to your seminar or book an appointment because they’re spending “X” on an annual basis and that’s just being thrown away—they’re not investing it into their future, they’re not getting equity into the home, and you can capitalize on that.
3. Perfect your script
Guys then what you want to do is do two different call campaigns. You want to do a call campaign to set a personal appointment with that renter or do a call campaign to invite them to a seminar on first-time home buying.
If you remember in a previous video I talked about how to host a great seminar. You want to load up your CRM, load up your dialer, and call and what you want to do is call them up and just say:
Hey prospect X, my name’s Luke. I’m with Luke Acree real estate. I’m calling you because I’ve got a ton of interest from people in your exact apartment complex interested in knowing what it takes to purchase their first home. I know you guys at 123 Main Street are spending about $20K on an annual basis renting, and I know you’re probably like the other renters I talked to who know they’re just kind of throwing that away and not investing it into equity in a home. I’m hosting a seminar on what it takes to purchase a home what it takes to get pre-approved for a mortgage and I wanted to invite you to that seminar.
At this point, you want to listen, hear how they respond. If they open up the opportunity, you can invite them to the seminar or maybe book an appointment right then and there.
The takeaway
So there you have it guys: some tips on what you need to prepare to make a great cold-calling campaign to help you dominate that local apartment complex. If you like these tips subscribe to our YouTube channel, and check us out on Instagram or Facebook but most importantly—take action on this today!