Motivation can be a hard thing to come by—sometimes it’s harder than others. It could be long, cold winter days; a disappointing work week; trouble at home; or maybe you’re just not feeling it. Sometimes all we need during these times is a little extra motivation to get us moving again, and this is where TED talks come in. They can give you that push you need on a slow-moving Monday morning, or be that mid-week lunch break inspiration.
For whatever you have time for, these five TED talks are sure to put you back on track for when the going gets tough. Find your earbuds and get ready to be inspired.
How to Speak so That People Want to Listen
Julian Treasure gives a meaningful talk on the idea of speaking with power—and how it boils down to one thing: it’s not what you say, but how you say it. As a sales professional, communication is one of the most important parts of your job. You want to make sure you’re getting the right message across to your team and to your clients. Julian’s talk goes through the “seven deadly sins of speaking”, which range from gossip to negativity to complaining and more. Getting rid of those tendencies will make your communication more honest and real—which benefits not just your success as an agent but also your personal life.
8 Secrets of Success
This four-minute talk is just the motivational kick you need before a big meeting or open house. Richard St. John—a researcher in all things pertaining to success—talks about how serving others and persisting through life’s toughest moments can ultimately lead to bigger accomplishments. Richard keeps it real in reminding us that success is about practice and pushing yourself. While it may seem like success comes easy to some people, what appears effortless on the outside is really the outcome of hard work and determination.
The Secret to Better Work
CEO of Good Think Inc., Shawn Anchor, gives the perfect talk on what we sometimes forget: the power of positive thinking. His funny anecdotes highlight the importance of optimism in the workplace, and how giving yourself positive affirmations throughout the day can make all the difference in your work. He emphasizes the value in seeing “stress as a challenge instead of a threat.” By reworking our brain to be more positive, we can then change our reality.
Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance
If you only have a few minutes to spare throughout your day, give Angela Lee Duckworth’s talk on grit a try. She highlights the significance of having stamina and grit—which are often overshadowed by IQ and logic. Angela mentions that when you match grit with passion, you can achieve any long-term goals you put your mind to, and make the future you want a reality. The pursuit of success can often be bogged down by what we think our obstacles are, when truthfully, persevering through difficult changes can make all the difference. Have a pep talk with yourself about what’s standing in your way, or better yet, let Angela do it for you.
Why You Will Fail to Have a Great Career
Larry Smith makes several valid points in this fifteen-minute TED talk, but the biggest takeaway is the detrimental effect that excuses can have on our potential to succeed. We make excuses for why we shouldn’t do things nearly every day, and Larry offers candid advice that can help with just that. He encourages you to look at what’s holding you back, and to really stop and examine why we allow ourselves to fail and not get back up. It may sound overdone, but Larry’s talk draws attention to the importance in following your passions—no matter if we fail in the process.
If you feel the lack of motivation start to take a toll on your career or more generally on your life, don’t lose steam. Tune into one of the above TED talks to stay inspired.