Following Up After Sending Your Digital Edition


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The American Lifestyle digital edition is great because it’s a monthly publication that’s sent directly to your clients’ inboxes. The quality of the videos, articles, and interactive features make it something that’s truly one of a kind. And while the sending process is so seamless, it can be difficult to remember to follow up with clients once you know it’s in their inbox.

Here are some of the most important times to follow up with your digital edition recipients.

Right after clients receive a new issue

The digital edition is sent to your clients’ inboxes the same time every month, so you know when it’s hitting. Set a reminder on your phone or your computer that will pop up when this happens. Is it necessary to reach out to them every month? Not necessarily, but you definitely don’t want to do the opposite, and reach out to them too infrequently.

On important dates

There are a few dates that you should know when it comes to your clients. This makes it easier to start a conversation. Reaching out for events like birthdays and anniversaries (either personal or professional) will help build rapport with clients.

Following up with your client can make all the difference in a successful business relationship. Here’s why it’s so important to keep in touch.

It can get you more referrals.

Building relationships is one of the biggest benefits of sending the digital edition. The ability to share articles on social media and even text the book to your clients can make all the difference in your rapport with recipients. In turn, this can help get you more referrals. People who feel like they know you and enjoy the content you’re sending could tell their friends and family about it, so when these people in their sphere are in need of your services, they know who to turn to.

Following up with the people you’re sending the digital edition to is a surefire way to keep you top of mind.

Free E-book: From Anonymous to Advocate

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