Create the Ultimate Webinar for Your Clients

Jessica Fitzpatrick

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There are a lot of ways to garner the attention of prospective and current clients, but one of the best ways to do it is through hosting a webinar. If you’re uncomfortable in front of the camera, the prospect of talking to people for a long period of time may be intimidating. However, if you’re in the business of helping people (which is pretty much any business) you shouldn’t underestimate the power of a well-constructed webinar.

Think of it this way, when you were in school, wouldn’t you have much rather watched a video than have taken a test or read? People often prefer an visual experience when it comes to learning something new, and that’s exactly what a webinar provides.

So, whether you’re thinking about branching out into new digital marketing strategies, or even if you’re just looking to hone your skills, the following tips can help you master the art of the webinar and dramatically improve your ability to connect with clients and prospects through this medium.

Create a narrative.

Like anything else in life, it’s much more interesting and enticing to explain something through story. Even when introducing yourself at the start of the webinar, instead of reading a lengthy bio, tell people who you are through the eyes of your company and your values. When people can connect and relate to something on a personal level, they are much more likely to be engaged.

You should also use testimonials and your personal experience to get your point across. For example, if you’re an insurance agent promoting your services to a specific audience—say young families—sharing stories of other clients who are in a similar position and have benefited from your business can illustrate your point better than a pamphlet can. When people hear positive reviews, they can more easily see themselves using your services.

Talk to a friend.

People are easily intimidated (and also easily distracted). You probably already have experience with people on the other end of your sales pitch seeming uninterested, but, hopefully, this is not the same experience you have when talking to friends and family. That’s why it’s important to keep the tone of your webinar conversational and relaxed. Showcase your personality, and don’t be afraid to get personal with your audience.

It’s also important to keep in mind that, with a webinar, your audience can be much more distracted than an in-person audience. If they are watching or listening from their computer, think of all the other things they could be doing—surfing the web, reading their emails, etc. You need to grab their attention and keep it, which is easier if you address the audience directly and ask questions.

Promote before and after.

If you don’t do the work before and after your webinar to promote it to clients and prospects, you might as well not host it at all. People need to be driven to attend, and whether that’s through social media promotion, an email, or a special incentive like a discounted rate for your services, you want to make sure your audience feels compelled to join.

But the promotion shouldn’t stop the day of the webinar. It’s also a good idea to create a landing page for people to be able to watch after the presentation has ended. This can be a solid source of leads for you, as you can have people provide their name and contact information in order to download. Even better, having a landing page with multiple webinars can heighten your industry expertise and show people the quality of your business.

Say thank you.

The majority of people who sign up for your webinar will not attend it live—that’s just the name of the game. However, whether someone actually attended or simply downloaded it after the fact, you want to make sure you thank all participants for tuning in. We recommend sending out an email to attendees the day after to thank them, and be sure to include links to your website and social media.

Whenever you can take an extra step in your customer service, clients and prospects will appreciate it. It takes very little effort on your end, but can make a big impact with people over time. An email also gives you an opportunity to recap, and, depending on who opens, you can pick up on new leads to add to your funnel for future emails and marketing.

You may feel like your business isn’t big enough to host a webinar, or you might be afraid that not enough people will attend, so you ask yourself, “what’s the point?” However, no matter the size of your business or level of experience, a webinar is an extremely beneficial tool in marketing yourself and showcasing your industry expertise.

Written by Jessica Fitzpatrick

I am a content manager who has a fascination with dinosaurs and a love of anything made with avocado.