Driving Motivation: Five Ways to Say “You Matter” at Work
You’ll Lead Better When You Speak Their Language: Applying “Love Languages” at Work
Gary Chapman’s book, The 5 Love Languages, offers leaders a framework to better connect with others by understanding their perspectives and communicating in ways they value.
Gary Chapman’s theory of love languages, which he describes in his book The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love That Lasts, has fallen under criticism. But if you take its basic premise and apply it to relationships other than romantic ones—like those in the workplace—it still has value.
In this Silver Dollar episode of Stay Paid, we explain the five love languages and draw from each a lesson that leaders can use to create better relationships with the people they work for, with, and adjacent to.
Join us to . . .
- Find out THE ERROR WE OFTEN MAKE when communicating with others, even when we understand their perspectives.
- Learn the many ways you can SPECIFICALLY CONNECT WITH PEOPLE who speak different love languages (that won’t require a visit to the HR office!).
- Discover why it is important to first UNDERSTAND YOUR OWN LOVE LANGUAGE before seeking to understand others’.
We hope you enjoy this episode and act on the advice Luke offers at the end. We’d also appreciate it if you took a moment to leave us a 5-star review and comment on Apple Podcasts. (We read them on air!) Thanks for listening!
Connect | Resources
- The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love That Lasts by Gary Chapman
- Giftology: The Art and Science of Using Gifts to Cut Through the Noise, Increase Referrals, and Strengthen Retention by John Ruhlin
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