How to Utilize Facebook Live this Season


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From Facebook’s ever-changing algorithms to its plethora of users, it can be challenging to stand out from the competition on a crowded newsfeed. However, Facebook Live provides real estate agents with the opportunity to produce unique content. Your followers will receive a notification when you go live, creating optimal engagement.

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Below are a few ways to integrate Facebook Live into your digital marketing plan this season.

Launch a virtual open house

People have hectic schedules, especially on weekends. A virtual open house can help prospects feel as if they’re not missing out, even though they’re not physically present. Take a five-minute tour around the house, highlighting key details such as an updated kitchen or a spacious backyard. You’ll even be able to respond to viewers’ questions in real time, just like you would during a traditional open house.

Give a tour of the neighborhood

For many buyers, the surrounding neighborhood can either make or break a listing. If your new listing is within close proximity to a beautiful park or lively downtown, show it off. Pick a beautiful day and livestream from a walking trail or a local coffee shop that just so happens to be minutes from the house. While highlighting the perks of the area, be sure to still include how prospects can reach out to you for a showing.

Provide a tutorial for home buyers

The buying process can be quite complex. Educate prospects with live tips and advice for each stage. During the initial search, prospects will want to take note of structural issues such as water damage and cracked ceilings. Livestream a mock showing where you can point out important details a buyer should be looking for when touring a home. Sharing your knowledge will show that you are an industry expert.

Create a Q&A session

A Q&A doesn’t have to be filmed from one of your listings. You can shoot it from your office or even from the comfort of your own home. Include common questions and concerns that you’ve come across while in the industry. Topics like getting preapproved for a loan and the closing timeline will be useful for both clients and prospects. If you have an abundance of knowledge in one topic, film a series of multiple videos.

This season, take advantage of Facebook Live to help distinguish you from the competition and connect with a new realm of prospects.

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