5 Ways to Make a Great First Impression


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It can be nerve-wracking to introduce yourself to a stranger and want to immediately impress them. But there are plenty of ways to ensure the first time you meet someone, they’ll be guaranteed to remember you.


You don’t have to look like a kid on Christmas morning all day. Instead, you want to exude positive energy. This might seem a bit new age, but people can truly pick up on what you’re putting down, and if you want to make a first impression that’ll leave you remembered in the best light, let off good vibes.

Compliment someone with complete sincerity

It’s always nice to give a compliment, but sometimes they come off as a bit dull and perfunctory. In the words of Mark Twain, who himself was a shameless fan of praise, “It is a talent by itself to pay compliments gracefully and have them ring true. It’s an art by itself.” If you provide a thoughtful compliment to a person, it is sure to mark the beginning of a favorable relationship.

Ask an in-depth question about their field of expertise

A single question will make you stand out forever. People like to talk about themselves, but they don’t necessarily like to recite the same tired elevator pitch. Get granular with the question. Be specific and make it relevant to current events. Don’t just ask them what their job is, ask them what makes it special.

I saw a video about solar energy and asked a real estate agent how certain green capabilities influence her ability to sell a home. This single question, about a relevant topic as it pertained to her career, opened the floodgates of conversation.

Buy them something

You don’t want to be extravagant, but if you cover someone’s lunch or pick up a cup of coffee, you ingratiate yourself. Make sure to just do it, don’t offer. If you offer to pay they’ll refuse and an obligatory back and forth will ensue.

If it’s at a restaurant, talk to the server away from the table and make arrangements. It might seem a bit covert, but in the long run it’s a power move. The recipient of your kindness will feel compelled to return the gesture down the line. You’ve already started an exchange of goodwill and favors.

Demonstrate total confidence and zero cockiness

People are drawn to confidence and repulsed by braggadocio. There’s a fine line between the two. Confidence is about the way you carry yourself; cockiness is about the way you talk about yourself. Never engage in the latter. Confidence means you bring the best out of those around you. Control the conversation but don’t dominate it. Use humor but don’t be offensive. A terrible first impression is much worse than no impression at all.

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