Our Favorite Approach to Content Creation

Content Pillars: The 3 E’s of Content

Provide your audience with content that is educational, entertaining, and endearing, and it will undoubtedly engage them, provide them with value, and produce leads more likely to convert.

One of the biggest challenges faced by small business owners is always having to come up with new ideas for their content marketing. We frequently get questions from webinar attendees like “What should I post to social media?” and “What should I send in my emails?” Our advice is always to follow the three E’s: send information that educates, entertains, and endears you to your audience.

In this week’s Silver Dollar episode of Stay Paid, we explain each of the three E’s in detail and provide examples applicable to a variety of businesses.

Educational content informs your audience about topics relevant to your industry and business. For instance, a real estate agent could write a newsletter article about what’s happening in the real estate market and whether now is a good time to sell. This type of content positions you as an authority.

Entertaining content is fun and enjoyable. While it may not directly promote your business, it does help keep your name in front of your audience and build brand equity. Strive to address topics that have wide appeal, such as food, travel, pets, children, and local events. The upcoming holidays, for example, give you a great opportunity to share your favorite cookie recipe. Such content reminds people you aren’t just a business, humanizing you and making you relatable.

Endearing content allows you to share the good work your business does for the community at large. It portrays yours as a “purpose-driven company” invest in giving back, encouraging people to know, like, and trust you. Endearing content is especially powerful because it triggers the “halo effect”—the tendency for consumers to favor a business because of a positive experience they had with it in another context. To benefit from this phenomenon, simply share information about efforts your business has made to support a cause or charity.

We hope you enjoy this episode and act on the advice Luke offers at the end. We’d also appreciate it if you took a moment to leave us a 5-star review and comment on Apple Podcasts. (We read them on air!) Thanks for listening!

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