Getting Started with Meta/Facebook Ads

How Meta Ads Can Supercharge Your Small Biz

Discover how to set up a Meta/Facebook ad campaign, from defining goals and crafting messages to targeting the right audience and analyzing performance.

Have you ever scrolled through Facebook or Instagram and been hit with an ad that felt eerily specific? That’s the power of Meta ads. But are they worth the effort for a small business like yours?

In this Silver Dollar episode of Stay Paid, we’re diving into the benefits of Meta ads and breaking down the building blocks of setting up your first campaign.

Why Meta Ads?

Facebook is the fourth most searched platform on the planet, which means the exposure you can garner for your business with a Meta ad is massive. But there are additional tangible benefits:

  • Laser-targeted audience: Forget shotgun blasts—Meta lets you pinpoint exactly who sees your ads based on age, location, interests, occupation, behaviors, and more. This ad targeting means you can appear in the feeds of cat lovers in your city rather than dog people across the country.
  • Variety of formats: Meta offers an assortment of ad formats, including photos, videos, carousels, and stories, to grab attention and tell your brand’s story in the way that resonates most.
  • Budget-friendly costs: Small business owners are typically hyperfocused on their budgets. With Meta, you can set a daily spending limit to ensure that you never spend more than you can afford. Plus, detailed analytics show you exactly what’s working so you can optimize your ad spend for maximum impact.
  • Brand-building power: With Meta’s Ad Manager, you can set the objective of your ads to boost brand awareness, drive website traffic, get people to chat with you directly, and, of course, generate leads.

Ready to take the plunge?

  • Define your goal. Deciding what you want your audience to do will determine the objective of your ad. As noted above, you can enhance your brand awareness, increase visits to your website, generate leads, and more. When you are clear about your goal, you’re more likely to hit it.
  • Know your audience. Take the time to determine who you want to reach with your ad. We dive into how you can target your clients as well as “look-alike” audiences that match your ideal client persona. The more details you provide, the more powerful Meta’s targeting will be.
  • Craft your message. Compelling visuals, clear calls to action, and engaging copy are your core weapons. (We share our secret hack for creating scroll-stopping images.)
  • Set your budget: Decide how much you’re willing to spend and the bidding strategy that fits your goals.
  • Launch and analyze. Don’t just set it and forget it! Track your results, tweak your ads, and learn what works best for your audience.
  • Follow up. To convert leads, you need to follow up multiple times. Don’t, and you just end up wasting your budget and leaving money on the table.

Meta ads are powerful tools for promoting your brand, increasing traffic, encouraging engagement, and generating leads—all excellent reasons for giving them a try. Be sure to analyze your metrics, experiment with images and copy, and be willing to learn.

But if you’re feeling overwhelmed, we can run your Meta ads for you! From helping you set up your business page to selecting an audience and creating and optimizing your ads to tracking and reporting your analytics and notifying you as soon as you get a new lead—we do it all for you. To learn more, visit

We hope you enjoy this episode and act on the advice Luke offers at the end. We’d also appreciate it if you took a moment to leave us a 5-star review and comment on Apple Podcasts. (We read them on air!) Thanks for listening!

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FREE webinar: The #1 Lead-Generating Facebook Ad Agents Should Run in 2024

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