Ep. 10: How to Follow Up with Internet Leads
When you get a lead from the internet, the most important step is reaching out quickly, preferably within 5 minutes. This initial contact can come in a few forms; email, text, etc. In this episode of Stay Paid, we’re going to role play the mechanics of a phone call. While we’re going to couch the conversation in realty-speak, the principles of the call apply to an internet lead any salesperson might acquire.
Every call starts with you introducing yourself. The key to an intro is to focus on logic, and when it comes to internet leads, the logical way to get the ball rolling is to acknowledge the online process that led them to become a lead in the first place. If it was a request for more information on a particular home, lead with that information. After you deliver the desired information, end with a question. This helps to keep the dialogue moving while allowing you to maintain control of the conversation.
After the intro, you need to create urgency. It is the urgency that turns warm leads in to hot ones, and hot ones into clients. Let them know that the clock is ticking without being pushy. Then segue into a full discovery conversation.
The discovery phase is where you gather all of your ammunition. What is essential to closing this lead? Should you keep them in your sphere? Are they cold?
Some prospects simply aren’t going to be in a position to buy. Even if they are stalwart in their disinterest, don’t let the call be a total waste. Let them know that if they ever have a need in your area of expertise, you would be honored to service them. From there, you can add them to a drip of some sort in an effort to stay top of mind.
Now that you have all the background information at your disposal, you want to deliver your value proposition. This part of the pitch serves two purposes: you distinguish yourself from the competition and address any objections. Regardless of how reluctant they might have felt during the discovery phase, you bring the conversation back around to you and your service, not a product. This provides an opportunity to land the appointment or the close.