Your Old Listings are a Gold Mine

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Landing a listing is a glorious accomplishment, but don’t go resting on your laurels just yet. There still a lot of gold in them there hills, and if you want to maximize your profit, you need to take hold of that momentum to gather more sweet leads.

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Alright, now that you got the listing you have all the pressure on you to get that listing sold, but don’t miss the opportunity to leverage it. Today, I want to give you guys four marketing strategies to do for your listings to generate more leads for your business.

Call all the neighbors

Using the white pages, get their neighbors’ numbers, call them, and use your listing as a way to introduce yourself and even if that person is not looking to buy or sell ask them, whether they know a neighbor that is interested in buying and selling and make them point you in the right direction.

Go door to door

Go door to door and invite all the neighbors to your open house. Host an open house because it will give you the opportunity to have face-to-face time with these neighbors and leverage that to ask them who’s their REALTOR®? Are they looking to buy or sell? And if you can be their REALTOR® in the future?

Do a “just listed” campaign

You can go to the US Postal Service and get a list there’s cons of companies out there that will provide a list for you, but leverage your listing to blast a mailer out to everybody in the community to get you face time with them.

Use social media

Use the power of social media specifically Facebook. There’s two ways I’ve seen it done really successfully. The first is market it and boost a Facebook ad of a coming soon listing. Build the hype of your open house, build the hype of that listing coming on the market. And then the second is boost an ad of the listing itself because that’s going to allow you to reach thousands of people and even if someone comments or likes that ad and they’re not going to buy that specific property make sure you nurture that lead and lead them in the funnel to becoming a client.

The takeaway

So there you have it guys there are four ways to market your listing to leverage it to get more buyer and seller leads. If you liked these tips subscribe to our YouTube channel, and comment below. Let me know if you’ve used some of these tactics which your successes your failures have been. Let me know the ideas that you’re using to market your listing to generate more leads for your business, I want to share it with our audience. Make sure you check us out on Instagram and Facebook, but most importantly, take action on this today.

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