The Customer Experience: What Real Estate Agents Can Learn from Starbucks

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Starbucks is a behemoth corporation and is a part of international culture. In countries around the world, people of different nationalities line up to get their caffeine fix, many of them daily consumers. The chain of cafes is a textbook example of ubiquity.

These facts are made all the more amazing when you think about the product it sells. It’s something that every person could make in the comfort of their home for hundreds of times less than they pay in-store. So in some ways it boggles the mind to try and understand how this company has grown to dominate the industry.

Also, how does any of this apply to real estate agents?

It provides convenience

Its stores are everywhere, and by the end of 2025, the company expects to have 45,000 stores worldwide. Customers can order at the counter, the drive through, or over their phones. It works to be in front of the consumer, and make transactions as frictionless as possible.

Free Wi-Fi is simply icing on the cake.

It’s efficient

Every aspect of Starbuck’s production is scrutinized and improved to make it as productive as possible. No matter how good a system is, there is always room for improvement if an idea can prove itself.

It knows the market

The ideal Starbucks customer is not the ideal Dunkin’ customer or the ideal Krispy Kreme customer.

The company has taken the time to understand its niche, and, as a result, it provides consistency while embracing variety. It offers seasonal drinks that delight customers and menu options to fit the culture of the countries in which its stores operate. But its leaders never lose sight of the fundamentals. With all those forward-facing innovations, those in charge always make sure their primary product, a simple cup of coffee, is superb.

Real estate agents need to apply these three factors to their business if they want to scale and be successful.

  • Provide total convenience to your clients. With all the options available due to technology, you need to focus on making everything easier for your clients.
  • Drill down into your process and make it as organized and efficient as possible. When your routines are perfect, this gives you more time to know exactly what your clients want.
  • Devote your energy to the client experience. Consistently analyze the market and creating an amazing experience for your ideal client.

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