February is American Heart Month.
This is important, because roughly 647,000 Americans die from heart disease every year.
Whether or not heart health is an important cause to you personally, it’s certainly something that’s near and dear to many of your clients.
We want you to create stronger relationships with your connections by sharing content that really matters. That’s why we’ve put together this list of health and wellness blogs from American Lifestyle and Start Healthy magazines.
In honor of American Heart Month, share the blogs below on your social media platform of choice to encourage healthier habits. (And, if you need a little help writing captions, feel free to use the sample copy we’ve included below.)
Advocate for Your Heart Health
Sample copy: “It’s American Heart Month! Share this blog with your loved ones to promote heart health.”
The Health Benefits of Giving Back
Sample copy: “Turns out there are some real, physical health benefits of doing good :)”
Find Your Swolemate
Sample copy: “Been having a hard time hitting the gym consistently? Step up your commitment to your health by finding a workout buddy.”
How to Create the Best Sleep Environment
Sample copy: “#DidYouKnow people who don’t get enough sleep are at a higher risk for heart disease? Check out this blog for some tips that will help you rest easier.”
10 Foods to Eat Every Day
Sample copy: “A healthier heart starts with a healthier diet!”
Change Up Your Cardio Routine with Ice Skating
Sample copy: “Looking for a fun way to shake up your cardio? Look no further.”
Fat Fighting Food Swaps
Sample copy: “In honor of #AmericanHeartMonth, here are some simple ways to improve your daily eating habits.”
Try This Kundalini Yoga Hack for an Instant Calm
Sample copy: “Feeling overwhelmed? This breathing exercise can help you combat stress.”
7 Common Cardio Mistakes
Sample copy: “The next time you work out, make sure you’re not doing more harm than good.”
Bonus: 4 Images to Share on Social Media
Simply right click the images below to save them to your device. Then, share them with your followers on Instagram—or any other social media platform!
We hope this content helps you strengthen connections with all of your clients and prospects.
Remember to follow up with everyone who likes, comments, or shares—after all, regular communication with your clients is the key to more repeat transactions and referrals.
Looking for a great way to stay top of mind with your clients, even when they’re offline? You can keep those connections strong by sending them a magazine that features amazing wellness articles and healthy recipes in every issue.
Start Healthy is a high-quality, 48-page publication that’s branded to you. Unlike other marketing materials, it remains on the coffee table for weeks on end, where it increases good feelings for your business and encourages referrals.
Click here to request a free PDF sample of this incredible follow-up tool.