Can Introverts Be Successful Salespeople?

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What comes to mind when you envision the typical salesman? More than likely, you’re picturing an individual who is sociable, possesses charisma, and exudes confidence—a true extrovert. While there might be some truth to this stereotype, it doesn’t mean that introverts can’t make successful salespeople. As a group, introverts tend to share some traits that actually make them superior salespeople.

1. Introverts are patient

Let’s face it, the typical salesperson can often seem pushy. No prospect wants to feel like they’re being backed into a corner. However, introverts naturally possess patience and self-control. They’re more likely to walk a buyer through the journey instead of pushing them into a decision just for the sake of their commission check.

2. Introverts are good listeners

You’ve heard of the 80/20 rule, right? One application of this rule in sales is to listen 80% of the time while reserving the other 20% to talking. Why is this so important? Listening is one of the best ways to fully comprehend a prospect’s objections. An introvert will be able to openly receive an objection, process it, and determine the best course of action to overcome it.

3. Introverts aren’t control freaks

There’s no way around it, extroverts like to be in charge. But during the sales process, being in charge doesn’t always work out for the best. Instead, letting the prospect set the pace and agenda of the communication can work in your favor. Introverts are known for going with the flow which makes relinquishing the control much easier.

When it comes down to it, sales is an art form—either you have it or you don’t. But, an introvert shouldn’t be overlooked or dismayed when it comes to taking a stab at selling.

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