Networking Tips and Tricks for New Financial Advisors


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Networking is the name of the game in any industry for moving up. If you’re a rookie in the finance world, honing those people skills is key to developing long-lasting professional relationships. Take note of these networking tips and tricks that are sure to bring you one step closer to success.

 Listen more, talk less

You want to put your mark on the industry at networking events. After all, this is the opportunity to do so. However, it’s even more important to listen attentively to the professionals you talk to throughout the event. Listen to how they describe their job, what they enjoy doing outside of work, and any other talking points that could be built upon.  Ask questions, and be prepared for theirs. Listening can make all the difference at these types of events.

Join groups

Whether this be online through LinkedIn or in person with different niche groups, find people that you connect with, and start strengthening those professional relationships. Ask others in your industry for advice, and put yourself out there! You never know what could come from a simple message.

Aim to be memorable

Get there early and start shaking hands with other professionals and exchanging business cards or email addresses. Arriving before the rush can put you one step ahead of others. Networking events can get crowded, and many people are trying to achieve the same thing, so any little thing to stand out can help you be remembered later on.

Broaden your horizons

While you want to make leaps within the financial industry, it’s important to also strengthen relationships in other spheres as well. Think with insurance agencies, brokerages, and other groups that could very well be intermingled with finance down the line.

Know that there’s always more to learn

You have a degree and a couple internships under your belt, but that doesn’t make you a pro. Go into these events with an open mind and know that you’re not the smartest person in the room. Listen well (even take notes!), and jot down others’ information so you can follow-up later.

Heed these tips to go confidently into your next financial networking event.

Written by admin