5 Tips to Help Motivate Employees and Improve Productivity

Alexa Bricker

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Each workplace, to some degree, could use a little jolt in motivation every now and then. Whether it seems that your office is in a rut, or if you feel your employees haven’t realized their potential, there are some concrete ways to bolster motivation and improve productivity in your workplace.

1. Empower employees

The best way to motivate someone to do their job well is to put them in a position to enjoy their daily tasks. Sit down with your employees, find out what kind of work they like to do, and give them space to succeed. This will not only contribute to a higher rate of productivity, it’s also an excellent way to retain employees and attract qualified candidates to your business. Along with this practice, give your employees the floor during regular meetings. Allowing them to speak their minds in front of you and their colleagues will let them know that they are heard and their opinion is valued.

2. Foster energy and positivity

Bringing the right amount of energy to the workplace is crucial to keep everyone in the moment. A positive attitude is contagious, and with the right balance of working hard and playing hard, employees will stay motivated and focused while at their desk. Promote taking short breaks, play music in the office, put a ping pong table in the break room—these are just a few ways to bring high energy to each and every work day. To truly foster a positive environment, consider what types of qualities a potential hire will bring to the workplace during the hiring process.

3. Promote healthy competition

Creating an environment where there is a bit of friendly competition amongst your employees will lead to a much more productive workplace. By implementing this, without allowing toxicity to brew, employees will be able to see how they stack up against one another on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis.

4. Set the standard

If you can’t adhere to the standards that you ask of your employees, you can’t expect them to be motivated to work hard. By setting an example to the rest of the office of the level of commitment and focus required to be successful, you’ll start to see who is able to follow your lead and who is lagging behind. The more you demand out of yourself, the more genuine and honest you can be when asking more out of your employees.

5. Explain the big picture

Meet regularly to help keep everyone on the same page about the goals you’ve set out to achieve, and monitor your goals over the year. Do your employees think they’re realistic? Get feedback from them about where they stand and why. Also, be transparent about a path to success. If you see your company as a place for a certain employee to grow and flourish, let them know.

Ultimately, your success with these strategies depends on how they’re executed. Doing all that you do from a genuine place of trust and belief will make all the difference in the end.

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Written by Alexa Bricker

Creative writer who believes in the power of a well-told story and helpful content.