How to Create Effective and Strategic KPIs


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Utilizing KPIs is a must for any business. Not only do they help you measure your progress, they help you stay on track to ensure that you reach your goals. But, oftentimes, creating specific KPIs can be a challenge.

In today’s episode of Above the Noise, sales operations team lead, Jason Bramble, provides three tips to help you create effective and strategic KPIs.

Video Transcription

Are you struggling creating effective and strategic KPIs for you and your team? Well today I’m gonna give you three tips that you’re gonna want to avoid when you’re going ahead and creating those KPIs.

My name is Jason Bramble I’m the sales operations team lead over here ReminderMedia, and creating effective KPIs can be super difficult. And even more difficult to implement with you and your team. So today  I’m gonna help you out by giving you three tips or you’re gonna want to avoid when you’re going ahead and creating those KPIs.

Number one

The first tip that I’m going to give you is you want to make sure that your KPIs are in line with your company’s values and missions and end goals. Your KPIs are there obviously to help that individual or that team grow, but the main point of them being there is to help you as a leader make a strategic decision to get your company to the next level.

Number two

The second thing that you’re going to want to make sure that you would avoid when you’re going ahead and creating your KPIs is that you’re not basing your KPIs off of what other companies are doing. The reason being is because your company is unique and your KPIs need to be unique. You as a leader need to be cognizant of the different systems, people, and processes that you have in place in your company and tweak those KPIs appropriately to match those.

Number three

And that brings me to my last point. You want to make sure that you’re not hard wiring all of your KPIs to incentives. We can go ahead and we can reward an employer for having good production, but when we do so, we want to make sure that not every single KPI is tied to that, because then they tend to look at it as less of a roadmap and more of a target to hit a bonus. What tends to happen is these employees find loopholes which could eventually be detrimental to the company culture.

The takeaway

So there you have it guys, those are my top three tips that you’re gonna want to avoid when you’re going ahead and creating your KPIs for you and your team. If you like the content today, go ahead and subscribe to our YouTube channel, or like us on Facebook, and check out all of our other social media platforms, but more importantly take action today!

Written by admin