How These REALTORS® Increased Their Referrals by 20%

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Like many real estate agents, Tom and JoAnn Jacobs are busy working with their clients, but they still wanted to stay in touch with their past clients. Whatever they did to maintain these relationships had to be easy, affordable, and something their clients would love. Their own personally branded magazine was the answer.

Check out the full case study

Meet the Jacobs

Tom and JoAnn Jacobs, real estate agents with Coldwell Banker in Tallahassee, Florida, built up a pretty good book of business, helping clients buy and sell their homes for over 20 years. And as the many testimonials on their website attest, their clients are happy with the service they receive.

Up until a couple of years ago, the Jacobs didn’t do any marketing to engage past clients. In 2013, they attributed 17 transactions to past clients making another purchase or referring someone they knew.

“We knew we needed to do something for our past clients,” Tom explained. “We knew it was a gold mine that we were just wasting.”

They started sending American Lifestyle—one of our four personally branded magazines—to a selection of past clients that year. Every eight weeks, the couple’s clients receive a new issue filled with intriguing articles, beautiful photography, mouthwatering recipes, and a personalized letter from the Jacobs. Their photo and contact information appear on the covers and the two Tear Out Cards within the magazine to serve as reminders of their business.

The Results

The magazine was an instant hit with clients, sparking conversations about articles and recipes. After three issues, they were able to see a return on their investment and had increased their mailing list by 400%!

“Sending the magazine is the only thing we can attribute the increase in transactions to,” Tom Jacobs concludes.

 In just two years, Tom and JoAnn were able to increase transactions from past clients. Between 2013 and 2015, they went from 17 clients to 42 clients! With an average value of $205,000 per transaction, that increase equates to an additional $5.125 million worth of transactions and 20% more income. That’s phenomenal growth no matter how you slice it!

Check out the full case studyJacobs-case-study-chart

You can experience similar results in your own business! They key is to use your magazine to develop relationships with your clients and sphere. Our marketing experts coach you on how to use your magazine to stay top of mind, nurture relationships, and get more referrals from clients and others in your sphere—all for less than the cost of a typical greeting card! Download a FREE copy of our most recent issue now, and start experiencing more repeat and referred business today.

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