We are giving away 15 FREE magazines to anyone who signs up for American Lifestyle magazine during our Halloween flash sale!

Hurry! Offer ends October 31!

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Success is about finding the perfect balance of short-term execution and long-term development. You have so much to do each day that sometimes it’s hard to think big picture.

American Lifestyle magazine is about nurturing your sphere and fostering long-term success. We know you’ll be satisfied with your investment and make a lasting impression on everyone you mail to.

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ReminderMedia delivers proven results with American Lifestyle magazine.
Check out the stats from our national Gfk survey to see how and why.


of prospects are more likely to contact a professional who sends them American Lifestyle magazine.


of recipients have conducted repeat business with the professional who sent American Lifestyle magazine.


of recipients have referred friends and family to the professional who sent them American Lifestyle magazine.


of recipients keep the professional who sends them American Lifestyle magazine top of mind.

ReminderMedia delivers proven results with American Lifestyle magazine. Check out the stats from our national Gfk survey to see how and why.


of prospects are more likely to contact a professional who sends them American Lifestyle magazine.


of prospects are more likely to contact a professional who sends them American Lifestyle magazine.


of recipients keep the professional who sends them American Lifestyle magazine top of mind.

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