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“This opportunity to have your own printed client retention resources through ReminderMedia can be a valuable tool every agent must have in their toolbox.”
– Rosamaria Marrujo

Marketing for Insurance Agents

Generate referrals and renewals on a regular basis by sending your database a free bimonthly subscription to your very own personally branded magazine!

A Game Changer for Insurance Agents

How do make sure every policy renews, you don’t receive chargebacks, and you capture the referrals you are missing?

Ask any marketing expert or experienced agents and they will tell you the key is staying connected with your database of clients and contacts.

Every agent knows they need to be staying in touch with their database, but the question is "How?".

Unfortunately, most insurance agents don’t have a marketing system in place that is keeping them connected with their database so they end up missing out on referrals na renewels every month.

That’s why our magazine system is such a game changer for many agents!

Here’s how simple it is.

* STEP 1: Give your clients and most valuable contacts a bimonthly subscription to your own professional publication. (We do this for you for just $4.99 per recipient. Less than a greeting card!) All the articles are written for you but you can also customize the magazine in 6 different areas to feature your reviews, educational information, or upsell different policies you have.

* STEP 2: Call your recipients after they recieve your magazine and ask what they thought of your latest issue. (They’ll LOVE it! The quality of our magazines rivals the highest quality mainstream publications and are meticulously crafted to be enjoyed by your recipients. )

* STEP 3: Have a conversation. Tell them how you truly appreciate them as a client and how you would love to work with more clients like them. Ask if they know anyone they could introduce you to.

It’s really that simple.

And, it works SO WELL!

Also, unlike most other marketing systems agents use, our system is truly TURNKEY. All we need is your photo and branding for customizing the magazines and your list of recipients.

Just try one mailing to see for yourself how powerful focusing your marketing in the right area can be.

Get Started Here


response rate


referral rate

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“I wanted to share a testimonial about my initial mailing of Start Healthy magazine. About a week after my Medicare clients started getting the magazine, they started sending me referrals without a single call from me! Pretty quickly and effortlessly I had 5 referrals and new clients. That is powerful.”

– Zach Rucker

Medicare Policy Experts

Ways Insurance Agents Use Our Products...

Medicare Insurance

Customize the magazine to reach your clients for AEP or OEP

Keep in touch with your current clients for referrals

Reach out to those turning 65 and make a great impression

Drop these off at your local Pharmacies and Doctors Offices

Individual & Family

Target your Final Expense Prospects with the magazine (The Elderly love print)

Customize the magazine to feature your Health and Life products to drive upsells and adoption

Keep in touch with current clients for referrals and renewals

Drop off at high traffic waiting rooms (i.e. Doctors Offices Hair Salons…)

Business Insurance

Perfect to send our Business magazine to the HR Director or Executive decision maker

Send the magazine as a nice gift to your current clients to drive referrals and renewals

Feature your current clients in the magazine as a thank you and a way to promote and support their business

Use your magazine at your education seminars

Home & Auto

Keep in touch with current clients for referrals

Customize the magazine to showcase other products you can upsell

Partner with Real estate agents and Mortgage professionals by featuring them in the magazine

Drop off at local car dealerships + Auto Mechanics

We want you to compare us to the competition. We have dedicated over two decades to crafting and refining the ultimate marketing tools for generating deals from your network and we are confident we are by far the best value.

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“I just started using ReminderMedia's service with the StartHealthy magazine and my clients love it! It's affordable, and both the content and printing are very high quality.”

– Jeff Ballif

Graybird Insurance

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“I wanted to say thanks to Luke and the team at ReminderMedia. After 3 months of sending out my magazine and doing the digital magazine, I landed a $44,000 insurance client. This will pay for my marketing for the foreseeable future. If you are willing to call and see what your potential clients think, it will work! Thank you RM!”

– Erik Walz

Spotts Insurance Group

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“This has been the best marketing eperience in 20 years of insurance sales.”

– Ronald Meredith

The Financial Center

Ready to have the highest quality touchpoint going out to your most important relationships?

More importantly, ready to start getting more consistent referrals and new clients from your network in 2025?

Yes! Make me look amazing!
Coldwell Banker Allstate Mass Mutual Ameriprise Bankers Life Berkshire Hathaway AC Collective Coldwell Banker Allstate Mass Mutual Ameriprise Century 21 Bankers Life Home Smart Berkshire Hathaway AC Collective

Book a Demo

See the unrivaled quality for yourself.
