The Power of the Handwritten Note

Luke Acree

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When was the last time someone wrote you a letter?

It’s hard to imagine that this was once a primary form of communication. With e-mail and texting, everything’s instantaneous, but something is lost with all this cold digital efficiency. The handwritten note is a fantastic way to generate business for nearly nothing. It simply takes a bit of time and postage. In turn it makes an amazing impression on any recipient.

To leverage the power of the handwritten note, you have to implement writing into your routine. Come up with a firm number of notes you want to send out every week and do it without fail. If you’re prospecting, earning clients, and making sales, there should be no shortage of people to put on your mailing list.

Here are some reasons to mail:

  • To thank a new prospect for their time.
  • To touch base after showing a house.
  • To thank a recent purchaser.
  • As a subtle reminder to members of your sphere to keep you in mind for referrals.
  • Send out to FSBOs.
  • People who signed into one of your open houses.
  • Send to other local agents.

There is no shortage of reasons. Writing these notes is all about making the time. But when it comes to ROI on a marketing effort, this one is a solid play.

Structure each letter with four parts:

  • Greeting: Simple hello.
  • Update: If there has been any news regarding work and family let them know. Personal updates are always better than business updates, but if there has been a great milestone in your career, definitely list it.
  • Reference recipient: Try to center your note around an event in the recipient’s life. Maybe a birth or a graduation, new career or a wedding. If you’re not especially close with the person and don’t know of an event to reference, don’t let that be a reason not to write. Use the note as an opportunity to forge a bond by displaying interest in their life.
  • Pitch: Mention you’re in the real estate industry and are always ready and willing to assist in any way, even if it’s just to provide some friendly advice.

If you’re a bit further into your career, and can barely keep up with the clients you already have, American Lifestyle magazine is automated. You can add a personal note if you want, or let our marketing team handle all the writing.

Written by Luke Acree

Luke Acree, President of ReminderMedia, is a sales fanatic, a marketing evangelist, and an expert team builder. Luke has worked with tens of thousands of agents over the years, helping them understand how to connect with their client database in a way that generates leads, secures repeat clients, and captures referrals.