How Real Estate Agents Can Generate More Referrals and Repeat Business


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As a real estate agent, over 60% of your business should be coming from your past clients. In this episode of Above the Noise, Luke breaks down how you can use American Lifestyle magazine to help you generate valuable repeat and referral business.

Video Transcription

Hey, so are you generating enough referral and repeat business in your business today? Now I know the answer probably for you is no. In fact, there’s a survey that was done of over 2000 homebuyers at the closing table and these homebuyers what they asked them is they said, “Hey would you use your agent again, were you happy with your agent?” Now, over 80% of those people said yes absolutely I would use my agent again, but when they surveyed these same people at the next transaction what they found out is only 12% ended up using their agent again.

And what this shows us is that it’s really not that you did a bad job at the transaction you did a great job servicing them. What you did a poor job of doing, is your did a poor job staying in touch with that client and they forgot about you. In today’s video, I’m going to give you guys three different tips to utilize with your magazine to make it more effective so you don’t end up in that 12% and you ultimately get more referrals and more repeat transactions.

Number one.

The first tip I’m going to give you is don’t forget to addyour recent transactions to your mailing list. Now, I know this sounds simplistic, but I’m telling you agents that I coach when I asked them the question hey the transactions you did last year what are you doing to market to those people? I always get that they’ve forgotten about them, they aren’t doing anything. And the reason why is because they’re not purposeful. They’re not putting it on their calendar to remind them to put them on the list. So, don’t miss out on that opportunity. Add every recent transaction to your mailing list.

Number two.

Second tip I’m going to give you is takea dvantage of the customization features in your magazine, especially the Front Inside Cover Letter. So, this letter is perfect for you to customize down to the individual clients. So, if your client maybe has a birthday or an anniversary, maybe it’s the anniversary of the home sale, customize that letter personally to them to make a great impression, make a great impact that will ultimately result in a referral.

Number three.

Then, the third tip I’m going to give you is actually the most important. Take your magazine from a passive campaign where you just send it out and forget it, and turn it into a proactive campaign. This is where you send it out, and after the magazines delivered, follow-up to the magazine. Pick up the phone, call them go and door knock, pop by their house, but use the magazine as a conversation piece. Use the recipes or an article something that you know they might be interested in, start a conversation, and then do what you do best, turn that conversation into the chance to ask for a referral or maybe even a repeat transaction.

Guys do this where you break down your mailing list, and you call them at least once a quarter so you stay top-of-mind that will make sure you don’t end up into 12% and ultimately give you the chance to, if you do this well, generate a 38% referral rate from your magazine mailing list.

The takeaway.

So, there you have it guys there are three different tips that you can utilize with your magazine to make sure you generate more referral and repeat business. If you liked these tips, subscribe to our YouTube channel, comment below, let me know your successes and failures in trying this stuff. I want to share it with our audience. Check us out on Facebook and Instagram, and most importantly, take action on this today!

Written by admin