The word "referrals" printed in capital letters and underlined with a pen that lays on the paper.

Which Type of Referral Tool Is Right For You?

Choosing among referral tools may not seem like a big decision. They’re not a major investment, after all. But there is a lot at stake when you consider the lifetime value of your client relationships. What’s more, a study conducted by Goethe University Frankfurt and the University of Pennsylvania found that customers who come via… Read more »

SEO Basics for Beginners

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) can be a bit overwhelming—even reading through the basics can seem like you’re reading a foreign language. I can’t promise to make SEO simple. Too much goes into search engine rankings for that. (Some estimate that Google uses two-hundred factors in their algorithm.) But that doesn’t mean you need to feel… Read more »

ReminderMedia Lands on the Philadelphia 100 List

More exciting news! In addition to earning a place on Inc. 5000’s list, we are excited to announce that we’ve also landed on the Philadelphia 100 list—at spot number 74. The Philadelphia 100 recognition is an accomplishment that we hold near and dear to our hearts. Not only are we located a mere 20 miles… Read more »

Tips for Customizing Your Front Inside Cover Letter

We all know that building personal connections with clients leads to repeat business and referrals. That’s why the personalization of your ReminderMedia magazines is so powerful. With each issue, we write a default letter that is printed on the Front Inside Cover that is tailored to the issue’s content. But when your recipients read a… Read more »

5 Reasons to Integrate Your Content Marketing and Social Media Strategies

Updated August 2023 It’s a fact—content marketing is far more than just a buzzword or fad. It’s one of the most important and critical elements in the strategic marketing plan of every top business. Whether you’re a large real estate brokerage or a single agent, it’s one of the most powerful tools available for connecting… Read more »

American Lifestyle Magazine - A customizable magazine for realtors

Harvesting Thanks with Issue 66

ReminderMedia is offering new incentives and all new exclusive content that will take recipients from the harvest season through the holidays. The latest issue of American Lifestyle magazine features New England during its most welcoming season—fall. Readers will enjoy the article Sowing Massachusetts, which shares stories from the farms and attractions that make the state so unique…. Read more »

3 Ways Agents Can Improve Their Customer Retention Rate

Updated November 2021 It’s no wonder you’re having a problem with your customer retention rate. A whopping 70% of home buyers forget their agent’s name after one year. You’ve completed the transaction, both parties have signed on the dotted line, and you have just earned yourself a commission check. With money in your pocket and… Read more »


4 Strategies Financial Advisors Use to Build Trust

Updated November 2021 Consider just how much trust someone needs to have in their financial advisor to give them continuous access to, and nearly complete control of, their life’s savings, their retirement income, and their future security and dreams. That degree of trust ranks right up there with entrusting your life to a surgeon, your… Read more »

Article Spotlight: Things Come Apart

In Todd McLellan’s Things Come Apart series, the Toronto artist gives used and unwanted mechanical items a second life by deconstructing them and photographing the parts arranged in busy images, where something new can be discovered every time the photos are viewed. The series began with a collection of vintage objects, originally found on the… Read more »

Tips for Hosting a Fantastic Fall Open House

After a non-stop summer, the fall market can seem a little daunting for new agents. However, the change of seasons offers a great opportunity to freshen-up open house tactics, and ensure that your listings move as quickly as they did during the warmer months. Below are four different ways to take advantage of autumn, and… Read more »

Ep. 2: Dominate Your Community—Become Industry Synonymous

The greatest achievement of any service-based sales professional is to become industry synonymous. Being industry synonymous is an apex. It means that when someone thinks about your field, you are the personification of the word. You have made yourself known, cultivated your sphere, and reached the top of your game. You need to market yourself… Read more »